Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale74
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Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione 133
Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 89
the Janiculum hill, and the student priests of the Casa Santa Maria dell'Umil-
tà. Our meeting comes at the conclusion of the celebrations marking the one
hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the College's establishment by my pre-
decessor, Blessed Pius IX. On this happy occasion I willingly join you in
thanking the Lord for the many ways in which the College has remained
faithful to its founding vision by training generations of worthy preachers
of the Gospel and ministers of the sacraments, devoted to the Successor of
Peter and committed to the building up of the Church in the United States of
It is appropriate, in this Year for Priests, that you have returned to the
College and this Eternal City in order to give thanks for the academic and
spiritual formation which has nourished your priestly ministry over the
years. The present Reunion is an opportunity not only to remember with
gratitude the time of your studies, but also to reaffirm your filial affection for
the Church of Rome, to recall the apostolic labors of the countless alumni
who have gone before you, and to recommit yourselves to the high ideals of
holiness, fidelity and pastoral zeal which you embraced on the day of your
ordination. It is likewise an occasion to renew your love for the College and
your appreciation of its distinctive mission to the Church in your country.
During my Pastoral Visit to the United States, I expressed my conviction
that the Church in America is called to cultivate "an intellectual 'culture'
which is genuinely Catholic, confident in the profound harmony of faith and
reason, and prepared to bring the richness of faith's vision to bear on the
pressing issues which affect the future of American society." 1 As Blessed
Pius IX rightly foresaw, the Pontifical North American College in Rome is
uniquely prepared to help meet this perennial challenge. In the century and a
half since its foundation, the College has offered its students an exceptional
experience of the universality of the Church, the breadth of her intellectual
and spiritual tradition, and the urgency of her mandate to bring Christ's
saving truth to the men and women of every time and place. I am confident
that, by emphasizing these hallmarks of a Roman education in every aspect
of its program of formation, the College will continue to produce wise and
generous pastors capable of transmitting the Catholic faith in its integrity,
bringing Christ's infinite mercy to the weak and the lost, and enabling Amer-
1 Homily at Nationals Stadium, Washington, 17 April 2008.