Phædria, Antipho, Geta .
Phæd. What shall I do? Unhappy that I am, How shall I, who am almost worse than nothing, Raise such a sum so suddenly? - Alas! Had I prevail'd on him to wait three days, I had a promise of it.
Ant. Shall we, Geta, Suffer my Phædria to be miserable? My best friend Phædria, who but now, you said, Assisted me so heartily? - No - Rather Let us, since there is need, return his kindness!
Geta. It is but just, I must confess.
Ant. Come then; 'Tis you alone can save him.
Geta. By what means?
Ant. Procure the money.
Geta. Willingly: but whence?
Ant. My father is arriv'd.
Geta. He is: what then?
Ant. A word to the wise, Geta!
Geta. Say you so?
Ant. Ev'n so.
Geta. By Hercules, 'tis rare advice. Are you there with me? will it not be triumph, So I but 'scape a scouring for your match, That you must urge me to run risks for him?
Ant. He speaks the truth, I must confess.
Phæd. How's that? Am I a stranger to you, Geta?
Geta. No: Nor do I hold you such. But is it nothing That Demipho now rages at us all, Unless we irritate him so much further As to preclude all hopes to pacify him?
Phæd. Shall then another bear her hence? Ah me! Now then, while I remain, speak to me, Antipho. Behold me!
Ant. Wherefore? what is it you mean?
Phæd. Wherever she's convey'd, I'll follow her; Or perish.
Geta. Heaven prosper your designs! - Gently, Sir, gently!
Ant. See if you can help him.
Geta. Help him! but how?
Ant. Nay, think, invent, devise; Lest he do something we repent of, Geta!
Geta. I'm thinking. (Pausing.) - Well then I believe, he's safe. But I'm afraid of mischief.
Ant. Never fear: We'll bear all good and evil fortune with you.
Geta. Tell me the sum you have occasion for.
Phæd. But thirty minæ.
Geta. Thirty! monstrous, Phædria! She's very dear.
Phæd. Dog-cheap.
Geta. Well, say no more. I'll get them for you.
Phæd. O brave fellow!
Geta. Hence!
Phæd. But I shall want it now.
Geta. You'll have it now. But Phormio must assist me in this business.
Ant. He's ready: lay what load you will upon him, He'll bear it all; for he's a friend indeed.
Geta. Let's to him quickly then!
Ant. D'ye want my help?
Geta. We've no occasion for you. Get you home To the poor girl, who's almost dead with fear; And see you comfort her. - Away! d'ye loiter?
Ant. There's nothing I would do so willingly.
Phæd. But how will you effect this?
Geta. I'll explain That matter as we go along. - Away!