Chapter XVII.—Achamoth in Love with the Angels. A Protest Against the Lascivious Features of Valentinianism. Achamoth Becomes the Mother of Three Natures.
Then Achamoth, delivered at length from all her evils, wonderful to tell186 Ecce. goes on and bears fruit with greater results. For warmed with the joy of so great an escape from her unhappy condition, and at the same time heated with the actual contemplation of the angelic luminaries (one is ashamed) to use such language, (but there is no other way of expressing one’s meaning), she during the emotion somehow became personally inflamed with desire187 Subavit et ipsa. towards them, and at once grew pregnant with a spiritual conception, at the very image of which the violence of her joyous transport, and the delight of her prurient excitement had imbibed and impressed upon her. She at length gave birth to an offspring, and then there arose a leash of natures,188 Trinitas generum. from a triad of causes,—one material, arising from her passion; another animal, arising from her conversion; the third spiritual, which had its origin in her imagination.
Ab hinc Achamoth expedita tandem de malis omnibus, ecce jam proficit, et in opera majora frugescit. Prae gaudio enim tanti ex infelicitate successus concalefacta, simulque contemplatione ipsa angelicorum luminum, ut ita dixerim, subfermentata, pudet, sed aliter exprimere non est, quodammodo subavit intra se ipsa in illos, et conceptu statim intumuit spiritali , ad imaginem ipsam, quam vis laetantis et laetitia prurientis intentionis imbiberat, et sibi intimarat. Peperit denique, et facta exinde trinitas generum est, ex trinitate caussarum. Unum materiale, quod ex passione: aliud animale, quod ex 0572A conversione: tertium spiritale, quod ex imaginatione .