0009A CAPUT PRIMUM. Prooemium et adhortatio ad Demetrianum.
CAPUT II. De generatione belluarum et hominis.
CAPUT III. De conditione pecudum et hominis.
CAPUT IV. De imbecillitate hominis.
CAPUT V. De figuris animalium et membris.
CAPUT VI. De Epicuri errore et de membris eorumque usu.
CAPUT VII. De omnibus corporis partibus.
0033B CAPUT VIII. De hominis partibus, oculis et auribus.
CAPUT IX. De sensibus eorumque vi.
CAPUT X. De exterioribus hominis membris, eorumque usu.
0048A CAPUT XI. De intestinis in homine, eorumque usu.
0053A CAPUT XII. De utero, et conceptione, atque sexibus.
CAPUT XIII. De Membris inferioribus.
CAPUT XIV. De intestinorum quorumdam ignota ratione.
0064A CAPUT XVI. De mente, et ejus sede.
0068A CAPUT XVII. De Anima, deque ea sententia philosophorum.
CAPUT XVIII. De anima et animo, eorumque affectionibus.
It remains to speak of the soul, although its system and nature cannot be perceived. Nor, therefore, do we fail to understand that the soul is immortal, since whatever is vigorous and is in motion by itself at all times, and cannot be seen or touched, must he eternal. But what the soul is, is not yet agreed upon by philosophers, and perhaps will never be agreed upon. For some have said that it is blood, others that it is fire, others wind, from which it has received its name of anima, or animus, because in Greek the wind is called anemos119 ἄνεμος. and yet none of these appears to have spoken anything. For if the soul appears to be extinguished when the blood is poured forth through a wound, or is exhausted by the heat of fevers, it does not therefore follow that the system of the soul is to be placed in the material of the blood; as though a question should arise as to the nature of the light which we make use of, and the answer should be given that it is oil, for when that is consumed the light is extinguished: since they are plainly different, but the one is the nourishment of the other. Therefore the soul appears to be like light, since it is not itself blood, but is nourished by the moisture of the blood, as light is by oil.
But they who have supposed it to be fire made use of this argument, that when the soul is present the body is warm, but on its departure the body grows cold. But fire is both without perception and is seen, and burns when touched. But the soul is both endowed with perception and cannot be seen, and does not burn. From which it is evident that the soul is something like God. But they who suppose that it is wind are deceived by this, because we appear to live by drawing breath from the air. Varro gives this definition: “The soul is air conceived in the mouth, warmed in the lungs, heated in the heart, diffused into the body.” These things are most plainly false. For I say that the nature of things of this kind is not so obscure, that we do not even understand what cannot be true. If any one should say to me that the heaven is of brass, or crystal, or, as Empedocles says, that it is frozen air, must I at once assent because I do not know of what material the heaven is? For as I know not this, I know that. Therefore the soul is not air conceived in the mouth, because the soul is produced much before air can be conceived in the mouth. For it is not introduced into the body after birth, as it appears to some philosophers, but immediately after conception, when the divine necessity has formed the offspring in the womb; for it so lives within the bowels of its mother, that it is increased in growth, and delights to bound with repeated beatings. In short, there must be a miscarriage if the living young within shall die. The other parts of the definition have reference to this, that during those nine months in which we were in the womb we appear to have been dead. None, therefore, of these three opinions is true. We cannot, however, say that they who held these sentiments were false to such an extent that they said nothing at all; for we live at once by the blood, and heat, and breath. But since the soul exists in the body by the union of all these, they did not express what it was in its own proper sense;120 Proprie. for as it cannot be seen, so it cannot be expressed.
0068A CAPUT XVII. De Anima, deque ea sententia philosophorum.
Superest de anima dicere; quamquam percipi ratio ejus et natura non possit. Nec ideo tamen immortalem esse animam non intelligimus; quoniam quidquid viget, moveturque per se semper, nec videri, aut tangi potest, aeternum sit necesse est. Quid autem sit anima, nondum inter philosophos convenit, nec unquam fortasse conveniet. Etenim alii sanguinem esse dixerunt, alii ignem, alii ventum; unde anima, vel animus nomen accepit, quod Graece ventus ἄνεμος dicitur; nec illorum tamen quisquam dixisse aliquid videtur. Non enim, si anima sanguine aut per vulnus effuso, aut febrium calore consumpto, videtur extingui, continuo in materia sanguinis animae ratio ponenda 0068B est: veluti si veniat in quaestionem, lumen quo utimur, quid sit, et respondeatur oleum esse, quoniam consumpto illo, lumen extinguitur; cum sint utique diversa, sed alterum sit alterius alimentum. Videtur ergo anima similis esse lumini, quae non ipsa sit sanguis, sed humore sanguinis alatur, ut lumen oleo.
Qui autem ignem putaverunt, hoc usi sunt argumento, quod praesente anima corpus caleat, recedente frigescat. Sed ignis et sensu indiget, et videtur, et tactu comburit. Anima vero et sensu aucta est, et 0069A videri non potest, et non adurit. Unde apparet, animam nescio quid esse Deo simile. At illi, qui ventum putant, hoc falluntur, quod ex aere spiritum ducentes, vivere videamur. Varro ita definit: «Anima est aer conceptus ore, tepefactus in pulmone, fervefactus in corde, diffusus in corpus.» Haec apertissime falsa sunt. Neque enim tam obscuram nobis hujusmodi dico esse rationem, ut ne hoc quidem intelligamus, quid verum esse non possit. An si mihi quis dixerit, aeneum esse coelum, aut vitreum, aut, ut Empedocles ait, aerem glaciatum, statimne assentiar, quia coelum ex qua materia sit ignorem? sicut enim hoc nescio, ita illud scio. Anima ergo non est aer ore conceptus, quia multo prius gignitur anima, quam concipi aer ore possit. Non enim post partum insinuatur in corpus, 0069B ut quibusdam philosophis videtur, sed post conceptum protinus, cum foetum in utero necessitas divina formavit; quia adeo vivit intra viscera genitricis, ut et incremento augeatur, et crebris pulsibus gestiat emicare. Denique abortum fieri necesse est, si fuerit animal intus extinctum. Caeterae definitionis partes eo spectant, ut illis novem mensibus, quibus 0070A in utero fuimus, mortui fuisse videamur. Nulla ergo ex his tribus vera sententia est. Nec tamen in tantum falsos esse dicendum est, qui haec senserunt, ut omnino nihil dixerint; nam et sanguine simul, et calore, et spiritu vivimus. Sed cum constet anima in corpore his omnibus adunatis, non expresserunt proprie quid esset, quia tam non potest exprimi, quam videri.