71. But let us now hear the prophet himself, who speaks thus: “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and the Lord led me forth in the Spirit, and placed me in the midst of the plain, and it was full of men’s bones; and He led me through them round about, and, lo, there were very many bones on the face of the plain, and they were very dry. And He said unto me: Son of man, can these bones live? And I said: Lord, Thou knowest; and He said to me: Prophesy over these bones, and thou shalt say unto them: O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord to these bones: Behold I bring upon you the Spirit of life, and I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and will stretch skin over you, and will put My Spirit into you, and ye shall live, and know that I am the Lord. And I prophesied as He commanded me. And it came to pass when I was prophesying all these things, lo, there was a great earthquake.”93 Ezek. xxxvii. 1–7.
72. Note how the prophet shows that there was hearing and movement in the bones before the Spirit of life was poured upon them. For, above, both the dry bones are bidden to hear, as if they had the sense of hearing, and that upon this each of them came to its own joint is pointed out by the words of the prophet, for we read as follows: “And the bones came together, each one to its joint. And I beheld, and, lo, sinews and flesh were forming upon them, and skin came upon them from above, and there was no Spirit in them.”94 Ezek. v. 7.
73. Great is the lovingkindness of the Lord, that the prophet is taken as a witness of the future resurrection, that we, too might see it with his eyes. For all could not be taken as witnesses, but in that one all we are witnesses, for neither does lying come upon a holy man, nor error upon so great a prophet.
74. Nor ought it to appear at all improbable, that at the command of God the bones were fitted again to their joints, since we have numberless instances in which nature has obeyed the commands of heaven; as the earth was bidden to bring forth the green herb,95 Gen. i. 11. and did bring it forth; as the rock at the touch of the rod gave forth water for the thirsting people;96 Num. xx. 11. and the hard stone poured forth streams by the mercy of God for those parched with heat. What else did the rod changed into a serpent97 Ex. iv. 3. signify, than that at the will of God living things can be produced from those that are without life? Do you think it more incredible that bones should come together when bidden, than that streams should be turned back or the sea flee? For thus does the prophet testify: “The sea saw it and fled, Jordan was driven back.”98 Ps. cxiv. [cxiii.] 3. Nor can there be any doubt about this fact, which was proved by the rescue of one and the destruction of the other of two peoples, that the waves of the sea stood restrained, and at the same time surrounded one people, and poured back upon the other for their death, that they might overwhelm the one, but preserve the other.99 Ex. xiv. 22 ff. And what do we find in the Gospel itself? Did not the Lord Himself prove there that the sea grew calm at a word, the clouds were driven away, the blasts of the winds yielded, and that on the quieted shores the dumb elements obeyed God?
75. But let us go on with the other points, that we may observe how by the Spirit of life the dead are quickened, they that lie in the graves arise, and the tombs are opened: “And He said unto me: Prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, Come from the four winds of heaven, O Spirit, and breathe upon these dead, that they may live. And I prophesied as He commanded me, and the Spirit of life entered into them, and they lived, and stood up on their feet, an exceeding great company. And the Lord spake unto me, saying: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. For they say, Our bones are become dry, our hope is lost, we shall perish. Therefore, prophesy and say: Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will open your graves, and will bring you up out of your graves into the land of Israel, and ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall open your graves, and bring forth My people out of the graves, and shall put My Spirit in you, and place you in your own land, and ye shall know that I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will perform it, saith the Lord.”100 Ezek. xxxvii. 9–14.
76. We notice here how the operations of the Spirit of life are again resumed; we know after what manner the dead are raised from the opening tombs. And is it in truth a matter of wonder that the sepulchres of the dead are unclosed at the bidding of the Lord, when the whole earth from its utmost limits is shaken by one thunderclap, the sea overflows its bounds, and again checks the course of its waves? And finally, he who has believed that the dead shall rise again “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (for the trumpet shall sound),”101 1 Cor. xv. 52. “shall be caught up amongst the first in the clouds to meet Christ in the air;”102 1 Thess. iv. 17. he who has not believed shall be left, and subject himself to the sentence by his own unbelief.
77. The Lord also shows us in the Gospel, to come now to instances, after what manner we shall rise again. “For He raised not Lazarus alone, but the faith of all; and if thou believest, as thou readest, thy spirit also, which was dead, revives with Lazarus.” For what does it mean, that the Lord went to the sepulchre and cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth,”103 S. John xi. 43. except that He would give us a visible proof, would set forth an example of the future resurrection? Why did He cry with a loud voice, as though He were not wont to work in the Spirit, to command in silence, but only that He might show that which is written: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump the dead shall rise again incorruptible”?104 1 Cor. xv. 52. For the raising of the voice answers to the peal of trumpets. And He cried, “Lazarus, come forth.” Why is the name added, except perchance lest one might seem to be raised instead of another, or that the resurrection were rather accidental than commanded.
78. So, then, the dead man heard, and came forth from the tomb, bound hand and foot with grave cloths, and his face was bound with a napkin. Conceive, if thou canst, how he makes his way with closed eyes, directs his steps with bound feet, and moves as though free with fastened limbs.105 inseparabili gressu, separabilique progressu. A literal version is impossible. His feet were bound, yet he as it were walked, the usual mode of progress when the limbs are free. The bands remained on him but did not restrain him, his eyes were covered yet they saw. So, then, he saw who was rising again, who was walking, who was leaving the sepulchre. For when the power of the divine command was working, nature did not require its own functions, and brought, as it were, into extremity, obeyed no longer its own course, but the divine will. The bands of death were burst before those of the grave. The power of moving was exercised before the means of moving were supplied.106 agebatur prius quam parabatur incessus.
79. If thou marvellest at this, consider Who gave the command, that thou mayest cease to wonder; Jesus Christ. the Power of God, the Life, the Light, the Resurrection of the dead. The Power raised up him that was lying prostrate, the Life produced his steps, the Light drove away the darkness and restored his sight, the Resurrection renewed the gift of life.
80. Perchance it may trouble thee that the Jews took away the stone and loosened the grave cloths, and thou mayest haply be anxious as to who shall move the stone from thy tomb. As though He Who could restore the Spirit could not remove the stone; or He Who made the bound to walk could not burst the bonds; or He Who had shed light upon the covered eyes could not uncover the face; or He Who could renew the course of nature could not cleave the stone! But, in order that they may believe their eyes who will not believe with their heart, they remove the stone, they see the corpse, they smell the stench, they loose the grave cloths. They cannot deny that he is dead whom they behold rising again; they see the signs of death and the proofs of life. What if, whilst they are busied, they are converted by the very toil itself? What if, while they hear, they believe their own ears? What if, while they behold, they are instructed by their own eyes? What if, while they loose the bonds, they free their own minds? What if, while Lazarus is being unbound, the people is set free, while they let Lazarus go, themselves return to the Lord? For, lastly, many who had come to Mary, seeing what had taken place, believed.
71. Sed jam ipsum audiamus prophetam; sic enim ait: Et facta est super me manus Domini, et eduxit me in spiritu Dominus, et posuit me in medio campo, et hic erat plenus ossibus humanis: et circumduxit me per gyrum eorum, et ecce ossa multa valde in facie campi, arida nimis. Et ait ad me: Fili hominis, si vivent ossa ista? Et dixi: Domine tu scis. Et ait ad me: Prophetiza super ossa ista, et dices illis: 1335C Ossa arida haec, audite verbum Domini. Haec dicit Dominus ossibus istis: Ecce ego induco in vos spiritum vitae, et dabo in vos nervos, et adducam super vos viscera, et extendam super vos cutem, et dabo Spiritum meum in vos; et vivetis, et scietis quod ego sum Dominus. Et prophetavi sicut mandavit mihi. Et factum est cum prophetarem haec omnia, ecce factus est terrae motus magnus (Ezech. XXXVII, 1 et seq.).
72. Vide nunc quemadmodum et auditum in ossibus, et motum prius ostendat esse, quam vitae spiritus refundatur. Nam et supra ossa arida jubentur audire, quasi sensum habeant audiendi: et hic accessisse eorum unumquodque ad suam compaginem prophetico sermone signatur; sic enim habes: Et accedebant ossa, unumquodque ad suam compaginem. 1335D Et vidi, et ecce super illa nervi et viscera nascebantur, et ascendebat super ea cutis desuper, et spiritus in his non erat (Ibid., 7 et seq.).
1336A 73. Magna Domini gratia, quod futurae resurrectionis propheta testis adhibetur, ut nos quoque eam illius oculis videremus. Neque enim omnes testes adhiberi poterant, sed in uno omnes testes sumus: quia nec in virum sanctum cadit mendacium, nec in tantum error prophetam.
74. Nec nimus verisimile debet videri, quia jubente Deo, ossa in suam compaginem reformantur; cum utique innumera habeamus exempla, quibus natura rerum coelestibus est obsecuta praeceptis; ut terra pabulum gignere juberetur, et gigneret (Gen. I, 11); ut ad virgae tactum sitientibus populis petra vomeret aquam (Num. XX, 11), atque aestu 1154 torridis miseratione divina undarent fluenta dura saxorum (Exod. IV, 3). Virga in serpentem versa 1336B quid aliud indicavit, nisi volente Deo ex insensibilibus sensibilia posse generari? An vero incredibilius putas quod ossa, cum jubentur, accedunt (Ezech. XXXVII, 7); quam quod retrorsum fluenta vertuntur, maria fugiunt? Sic enim propheta testatur; Mare vidit et fugit, Jordanis conversus est retrorsum (Psal. CXIII, 3). Nec super hoc ambigi potest, quod duorum populorum alterius salute, alterius obitu comprobatum est, aquarum cursus stetisse frenatos eosdemque aliis circumfusos, aliis ad mortem refusos, ut alios mergerent, alios reservarent (Exod. XIV, 22 et seq.). Quid in ipso Evangelio? Nonne ibi probavit Dominus, quod verbo unda mitescat (Matth. VIII, 26), fugentur coeli nubila, cedantflabra ventorum, placidisque littoribus muta Deo famulentur elementa?
1336C 75. Sed persequamur caetera, ut quemadmodum spiritu vitae animentur defuncti, surgant jacentes, sepulcra reserentur, possimus advertere. Et ait ad me: Prophetiza, fili hominis, et dic spiritui: Haec dicit Dominus: A quatuor ventis coeli veni, spiritus, et insuffla in mortuos istos, et vivant. Et prophetavi sicut mandavit mihi, et intravit in eos spiritus vitae, et vixerunt, et steterunt in pedibus suis congregatio nimis multa. Et locutus est Dominus ad me, dicens: Fili hominis, ossa haec omnis domus Israel. Ipsi enim dicunt: Arida facta sunt ossa nostra, periit spes nostra, interibimus. Propterea prophetiza et dic: Haec dicit Dominus: Ecce ego aperio vobis monumenta vestra, et educam vos de monumentis vestris in terram Israel, et scietis quod ego sum Dominus, cum aperiam sepulcra 1336D vestra, et educam de sepulcris populum meum, et dabo Spiritum meum in vobis, et vivetis, et ponam vos super terram vestram, et scietis quia ego sum Dominus: 1337A locutus sum, et faciam, dicit Dominus (Ezech. XXXVII, 9 et seq.).
76. Advertimus quemadmodum vitalis spiritus commercia resumantur, cognovimus quemadmodum dehiscentibus tumulis, mortui suscitentur. An vero mirandum est jussu Domini mortuorum sepulcra reserari, cum tota suis terminis uno tonitruo terra quatiatur, mare suis exundet finibus, idemque suarum cursus refrenet undarum? Denique ille qui credidit quia in momento, in ictu oculi, in novissima tuba (canet enim tuba) mortui resurgent (I Cor. XV, 52); cum primis rapietur in nubibus obviam Christo in aera (I Thess. IV, 16); qui non credidit, relinquetur, et perfidia sua subdet se ipse sententiae.
77. Ostendit tibi Dominus etiam in Evangelio, 1337B ut jam ad exempla veniamus, quemadmodum resurgas. Non enim unum Lazarum, sed fidem omnium suscitavit: quod tu si credas, cum legis, mens quoque tua, quae mortua fuerat, in illo Lazaro reviviscit. quid enim sibi vult quod Dominus ad monumentum accessit, magna voce clamavit: Lazare, exi foras (Joan. XI, 44)? nisi ut 1155 futurae resurrectionis specimen praestaret, exemplum ederet? Cur voce clamavit, quasi spiritu non soleat operari, quasi tacitus non soleat imperare? Sed ut illud ostenderet, quod scriptum est: Quoniam in momento, in ictu oculi, in novissima tuba, et mortui resurgent incorrupti (I Cor. XV, 52); tubarum enim crepitus vocis metitur elatio. Et clamavit: Lazare, exi foras. Cur etiam nomen additur; nisi forte ne alius resuscitatus 1337C pro alio videretur, aut fortuita magis resurrectio, quam imperata?
78. Audivit ergo defunctus, et exivit foras de monumento, ligatus pedes et manus institis, et facies ejus orario colligata erat (Joan. XI, 44). Comprehende, si potes, quemadmodum clausis oculis iter carpat, vinctis pedibus gradum dirigat, inseparabili gressu, separabilique progressu. Manebant vincula, nec tenebant: tegebantur oculi, sed videbant. Videbat denique qui resurgebat, qui ambulabat, qui deserebat sepulcrum. Virtute enim divinae praeceptionis operante, natura suum non requirebat officium; et tamquam in excessu posita, non jam suo ordini, sed divino nutui serviebat. Rumpebantur prius mortis quam sepulturae vincula: agebatur 1337D priusquam parabatur incessus.
1338A 79. Si miraris haec, disce quis imperaverit, ut mirari desinas. Jesus Christus Dei virtus; vita, lux, resurrectio mortuorum: virtus erexit jacentem, vita gressum extulit, lux fugavit tenebras, reparavit obtutum, resurrectio vivendi gratiam reformavit.
80. Fortasse moveat quod Judaei lapidem tollunt, Judaei institas solvunt; ne forte et tu sollicitus sis, quis lapidem de monumento tuo tollat (Ibid., 41). Quasi vero qui spiritum refundere poterat, lapidem removere non poterat: aut vincula rumpere, qui vinctum fecerat ambulare: aut deoperire faciem, qui opertis oculis lumen infuderat: aut findere petram, qui poterat reformare naturam? Sed ut vel oculis suis crederent, qui credere mente nolebant, removent lapidem, vident cadaver, fetorem sentiunt, 1338B institas rumpunt. Non possunt negare defunctum, quem aspiciunt resurgentem, vident signa mortis, et vitae munera. Quid si dum conantur, labore ipso emendantur? quid si dum audiunt, vel auribus suis credunt? quid si dum intuentur, vel oculis suis corriguntur? quid si dum rumpunt vincula, mentes suas solvunt? quid si dum Lazarus exuitur, populus liberatur? dum Lazarum abire permittunt, ipsi ad Dominum revertuntur? Denique multi qui venerant ad Mariam, videntes quae facta sunt, crediderunt (Ibid., 45).