17. For this reason it is that none of us, when he is apprehended, makes resistance, nor avenges himself against your unrighteous violence, although our people are numerous and plentiful. Our certainty of a vengeance to follow makes us patient. The innocent give place to the guilty; the harmless acquiesce in punishments and tortures, sure and confident that whatsoever we suffer will not remain unavenged, and that in proportion to the greatness of the injustice of our persecution so will be the justice and the severity of the vengeance exacted for those persecutions. Nor does the wickedness of the impious ever rise up against the name we bear, without immediate vengeance from above attending it. To say nothing of the memories of ancient times, and not to recur with wordy commemoration to frequently repeated vengeance on behalf of God’s worshippers, the instance of a recent matter is sufficient to prove that our defence, so speedily, and in its speed so powerfully, followed of late in the ruins of things,27 Or, according to some, “of kings.” in the destruction of wealth, in the waste of soldiers, and the diminution of forts. Nor let any one think that this occurred by chance, or think that it was fortuitous, since long ago Scripture has laid down, and said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”28 Rom. xii. 19. And again the Holy Spirit forewarns, and says, “Say not thou, I will avenge myself of mine enemy, but wait on the Lord, that He may be thy help.”29 Prov. xx. 22. Whence it is plain and manifest, that not by our means, but for our sakes, all those things are happening which come down from the anger of God.
XVII. Inde est quod nemo nostrum, quando apprehenditur, reluctatur, nec se adversus injustam violentiam vestram, quamvis nimius et copiosus noster sit populus, ulciscitur. Patientes facit de secutura ultione securitas. Innocentes nocentibus cedunt: insontes poenis et cruciatibus acquiescunt, certi et 0557B fidentes quod inultum non remaneat quodcumque perpetimur; quantoque major fuerit persecutionis injuria, tanto et justior fiat et gravior pro persecutione vindicta; nec umquam impiorum scelere in nostrum nomen exsurgitur, ut non statim divinitus vindicta comitetur. Ut memorias taceamus antiquas, et ultiones pro cultoribus Dei saepe repetitas nullo vocis praeconio revolvamus, documentum recentis rei satis est quod sic celeriter quodque in tanta celeritate sic granditer nuper secuta defensio est, ruinis rerum, jacturis opum, dispendio militum, diminutione castrorum. Nec hoc casu accidisse aliquis existimet aut fuisse fortuitum putet, cum jam pridem Scriptura divina posuerit et dixerit: Mihi vindictam, ego retribuam, dicit Dominus (Deut. XXXII, 35); et iterum 0557C Spiritus sanctus praemoneat et dicat: Ne dixeris, Ulciscar me de inimico meo; sed exspecta Dominum, ut tibi auxilio sit (Prov. XX, 22). Unde clarum est atque manifestum quia non per nos, sed pro nobis 0558A accidunt cuncta ista quae de Dei indignatione descendunt.