Prefatory Note.

 Book I


 Chapter II.—  By what Means the Emperor Constantine became a Christian. 

 Chapter III.—  While Constantine favors the Christians, Licinius, his Colleague, persecutes them. 

 Chapter IV.—  War arises between Constantine and Licinius on Account of the Christians. 

 Chapter V.—  The Dispute of Arius with Alexander, his Bishop. 

 Chapter VI.—  Division begins in the Church from this Controversy and Alexander Bishop of Alexandria excommunicates Arius and his Adherents. 

 Chapter VII.—  The Emperor Constantine being grieved at the Disturbance of the Churches, sends Hosius the Spaniard to Alexandria, exhorting the Bishop

 Chapter VIII.—  Of the Synod which was held at Nicæa in Bithynia, and the Creed there   put forth. 

 Chapter IX.—  The Letter of the Synod, relative to its Decisions: and the Condemnation of Arius and those who agreed with him. 

 Chapter X.—  The Emperor also summons to the Synod Acesius, Bishop of the Novatians. 

 Chapter XI.—  Of the Bishop Paphnutius. 

 Chapter XII.—  Of Spyridon, Bishop of the Cypriots. 

 Chapter XIII.—  Of Eutychian the Monk. 

 Chapter XIV.—  Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia, and Theognis Bishop of Nicæa, who had been banished for agreeing in Opinion with Arius, having published

 Chapter XV.—  After the Synod, on the Death of Alexander, Athanasius is constituted Bishop of Alexandria. 

 Chapter XVI.—  The Emperor Constantine having enlarged the Ancient Byzantium, calls it Constantinople. 

 Chapter XVII.—  The Emperor’s Mother Helena having come to Jerusalem, searches for and finds the Cross of Christ, and builds a Church. 

 Chapter XVIII.—  The Emperor Constantine abolishes Paganism and erects many Churches in Different Places. 

 Chapter XIX. —  In what Manner the Nations in the Interior of India were Christianized in the Times of Constantine. 

 Chapter XX.—  In what Manner the Iberians were converted to Christianity. 

 Chapter XXI.—  Of Anthony the Monk. 

 Chapter XXII.—  Manes, the Founder of the Manichæan Heresy, and on his Origin. 

 Chapter XXIII.—  Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia, and Theognis Bishop of Nicæa, having recovered Confidence, endeavor to subvert the Nicene Creed, by plo

 Chapter XXIV.—  Of the Synod held at Antioch, which deposed Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, on whose account a Sedition broke out and almost ruined the

 Chapter XXV.—  Of the Presbyter who exerted himself for the Recall of Arius. 

 Chapter XXVI.—  Arius, on being recalled, presents a Recantation to the Emperor, and pretends to accept the Nicene Creed. 

 Chapter XXVII.—  Arius having returned to Alexandria with the Emperor’s Consent, and not being received by Athanasius, the Partisans of Eusebius bring

 Chapter XXVIII.—  On Account of the Charges against Athanasius, the Emperor convokes a Synod of Bishops at Tyre. 

 Chapter XXIX.—  Of Arsenius, and his Hand which was said to have been cut off. 

 Chapter XXX.—  Athanasius is found Innocent of what he was accused his Accusers take to Flight. 

 Chapter XXXI.—  When the Bishops will not listen to Athanasius’ Defense on the Second Charge, he betakes himself to the Emperor. 

 Chapter XXXII.—  On the Departure of Athanasius, those who composed the Synod vote his Deposition. 

 Chapter XXXIII.—  The Members of the Synod proceed from Tyre to Jerusalem, and having celebrated the Dedication of the ‘New Jerusalem,’ receive Arius

 Chapter XXXIV.—  The Emperor summons the Synod to himself by Letter, in order that the Charges against Athanasius might be carefully examined before h

 Chapter XXXV.—  The Synod not having come to the Emperor, the Partisans of Eusebius accuse Athanasius of having threatened to divert the Corn supplied

 Chapter XXXVI.—  Of Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra, and Asterius the Sophist. 

 Chapter XXXVII.—  After the Banishment of Athanasius, Arius having been sent for by the Emperor, raises a Disturbance against Alexander Bishop of Cons

 Chapter XXXVIII.—  The Death of Arius. 

 Chapter XXXIX.—  The Emperor falls sick and dies. 

 Chapter XL.—  The Funeral of the Emperor Constantine. 

 Book II

 Book II.

 Chapter II.—  Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, and his Party, by again endeavoring to introduce the Arian Heresy, create Disturbances in the Churches. 

 Chapter III.—  Athanasius, encouraged by the Letter of Constantine the Younger, returns to Alexandria. 

 Chapter IV.—  On the Death of Eusebius Pamphilus, Acacius succeeds to the Bishopric of Cæsarea. 

 Chapter V.—  The Death of Constantine the Younger. 

 Chapter VI.—  Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople, when at the Point of Death proposes the Election either of Paul or of Macedonius as his Successor. 

 Chapter VII.—  The Emperor Constantius ejects Paul after his Election to the Bishopric, and sending for Eusebius of Nicomedia, invests him with the Bi

 Chapter VIII.—  Eusebius having convened Another Synod at Antioch in Syria, causes a New Creed to be promulgated. 

 Chapter IX.—  Of Eusebius of Emisa. 

 Chapter X.—  The Bishops assembled at Antioch, on the Refusal of Eusebius of Emisa to accept the Bishopric of Alexandria, ordain Gregory, and change t

 Chapter XI.—  On the Arrival of Gregory at Alexandria, tended by a Military Escort, Athanasius flees. 

 Chapter XII.—  The People of Constantinople restore Paul to his See after the Death of Eusebius, while the Arians elect Macedonius. 

 Chapter XIII.—  Paul is again ejected from the Church by Constantius, in consequence of the Slaughter of Hermogenes, his General. 

 Chapter XIV.—  The Arians remove Gregory from the See of Alexandria, and appoint George in his Place. 

 Chapter XV.—  Athanasius and Paul   going to Rome, and having obtained Letters from Bishop Julius, recover their respective Dioceses. 

 Chapter XVI.—  The Emperor Constantius, through an Order to Philip the Prætorian Prefect, secures the Exile of Paul, and the Installation of Macedoniu

 Chapter XVII.—  Athanasius, intimidated by the Emperor’s Threats, returns to Rome again. 

 Chapter XVIII.—  The Emperor of the West requests his Brother to send him Three Persons who could give an Account of the Deposition of Athanasius and

 Chapter XIX.—  Of the Creed sent by the Eastern Bishops to those in Italy, called the Lengthy Creed. 

 Chapter XX.—  Of the Council at Sardica. 

 Chapter XXI.—  Defense of Eusebius Pamphilus. 

 Chapter XXII.—  The Council of Sardica restores Paul and Athanasius to their Sees and on the Eastern Emperor’s Refusal to admit them, the Emperor of

 Chapter XXIII.—  Constantius, being Afraid of his Brother’s Threats, recalls Athanasius by Letter, and sends him to Alexandria. 

 Chapter XXIV.—  Athanasius, passing through Jerusalem on his Return to Alexandria, is received into Communion by Maximus: and a Synod of Bishops, conv

 Chapter XXV.—  Of the Usurpers Magnentius and Vetranio. 

 Chapter XXVI.—  After the Death of Constans, the Western Emperor, Paul and Athanasius are again ejected from their Sees: the Former on his Way into Ex

 Chapter XXVII.—  Macedonius having possessed himself of the See of Constantinople inflicts much Injury on those who differ from him. 

 Chapter XXVIII.—  Athanasius’ Account of the Deeds of Violence committed at Alexandria by George the Arian. 

 Chapter XXIX.—  Of the Heresiarch Photinus. 

 Chapter XXX.—  Creeds published at Sirmium in Presence of the Emperor Constantius. 

 Chapter XXXI.—  Of Hosius, Bishop of Cordova. 

 Chapter XXXII.—  Overthrow of the Usurper Magnentius. 

 Chapter XXXIII.—  Of the Jews inhabiting Dio-Cæsarea in Palestine. 

 Chapter XXXIV.—  Of Gallus Cæsar. 

 Chapter XXXV.—  Of Aëtius the Syrian, Teacher of Eunomius. 

 Chapter XXXVI.—  Of the Synod at Milan. 

 Chapter XXXVII.—  Of the Synod at Ariminum, and the Creed there published. 

 Chapter XXXVIII.—  Cruelty of Macedonius, and Tumults raised by him. 

 Chapter XXXIX.—  Of the Synod at Seleucia, in Isauria. 

 Chapter XL.—  Acacius, Bishop of Cæsarea, dictates a new Form of Creed in the Synod at Seleucia. 

 Chapter XLI.—  On the Emperor’s Return from the West, the Acacians assemble at Constantinople, and confirm the Creed of Ariminum, after making Some Ad

 Chapter XLII.—  On the Deposition of Macedonius, Eudoxius obtains the Bishopric of Constantinople. 

 Chapter XLIII.—  Of Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia. 

 Chapter XLIV.—  Of Meletius   Bishop of Antioch. 

 Chapter XLV.—  The Heresy of Macedonius. 

 Chapter XLVI.—  Of the Apollinarians, and their Heresy  .

 Chapter XLVII.—  Successes of Julian Death of the Emperor Constantius. 

 Book III

 Book III.

 Chapter II.—  Of the Sedition excited at Alexandria, and how George was slain. 

 Chapter III.—  The Emperor Indignant at the Murder of George, rebukes the Alexandrians by Letter. 

 Chapter IV.—  On the Death of George, Athanasius returns to Alexandria, and takes Possession of his See. 

 Chapter V.—  Of Lucifer and Eusebius. 

 Chapter VI.—  Lucifer goes to Antioch and consecrates Paulinus. 

 Chapter VII.—  By the Co-operation of Eusebius and Athanasius a Synod is held at Alexandria, wherein the Trinity is declared to be Consubstantial. 

 Chapter VIII.—  Quotations from Athanasius’ ‘Defense of his Flight.’ 

 Chapter IX.—  After the Synod of Alexandria, Eusebius proceeding to Antioch finds the Catholics at Variance on Account of Paulinus’ Consecration and

 Chapter X.—  Of Hilary Bishop of Poictiers. 

 Chapter XI.—  The Emperor Julian extracts Money from the Christians. 

 Chapter XII.—  Of Maris Bishop of Chalcedon Julian forbids Christians from entering Literary Pursuits. 

 Chapter XIII.—  Of the Outrages committed by the Pagans against the Christians. 

 Chapter XIV.—  Flight of Athanasius. 

 Chapter XV.—  Martyrs at Merum in Phrygia, under Julian. 

 Chapter XVI.—  Of the Literary Labors of the Two Apollinares and the Emperor’s Prohibition of Christians being instructed in Greek Literature. 

 Chapter XVII.—  The Emperor preparing an Expedition against the Persians, arrives at Antioch, and being ridiculed by the Inhabitants, he retorts on th

 Chapter XVIII.—  The Emperor consulting an Oracle, the Demon gives no Response, being awed by the Nearness of Babylas the Martyr. 

 Chapter XIX.—  Wrath of the Emperor, and Firmness of Theodore the Confessor. 

 Chapter XX.—  The Jews instigated by the Emperor attempt to rebuild their Temple, and are frustrated in their Attempt by Miraculous Interposition. 

 Chapter XXI.—  The Emperor’s Invasion of Persia, and Death. 

 Chapter XXII.—  Jovian is proclaimed Emperor. 

 Chapter XXIII.—  Refutation of what Libanius the Sophist said concerning Julian. 

 Chapter XXIV.—  The Bishops flock around Jovian, each attempting to draw him to his own Creed. 

 Chapter XXV.—  The Macedonians and Acacians meet at Antioch, and proclaim their Assent to the Nicene Creed. 

 Chapter XXVI.—  Death of the Emperor Jovian. 

 Book IV

 Book IV.

 Chapter II.—  Valentinian goes into the West Valens remains at Constantinople, and grants the Request of the Macedonians to hold a Synod, but persecu

 Chapter III.—  While Valens persecutes the Orthodox Christians in the East, a Usurper arises at Constantinople named Procopius: and at the Same Time a

 Chapter IV.—  The Macedonians hold a Synod at Lampsacus, during a Period of Both Secular and Ecclesiastical Agitation and after confirming the Antioc

 Chapter V.—  Engagement between Valens and Procopius near Nacolia in Phrygia after which the Usurper is betrayed by his Chief Officers, and with them

 Chapter VI.—  After the Death of Procopius Valens constrains those who composed the Synod, and All Christians, to profess Arianism. 

 Chapter VII.—  Eunomius supersedes Eleusius the Macedonian in the See of Cyzicus, His Origin and Imitation of Aëtius, whose Amanuensis he had been. 

 Chapter VIII.—  Of the Oracle found inscribed an a Stone, when the Walls of Chalcedon were demolished by Order of the Emperor Valens. 

 Chapter IX.—  Valens persecutes the Novatians, because they accepted the Orthodox Faith. 

 Chapter X.—  Birth of Valentinian the Younger. 

 Chapter XI.—  Hail of Extraordinary Size and Earthquakes in Bithynia and the Hellespont. 

 Chapter XII.—  The Macedonians, pressed by the Emperor’s Violence toward them, send a Deputation to Liberius Bishop of Rome, and subscribe the Nicene

 Chapter XIII.—  Eunomius separates from Eudoxius a Disturbance is raised at Alexandria by Eudoxius, and Athanasius flees into Voluntary Exile again,

 Chapter XIV.—  The Arians ordain Demophilus after the Death of Eudoxius at Constantinople but the Orthodox Party constitute Evagrius his Successor. 

 Chapter XV.—  The Emperor banishes Evagrius and Eustathius. The Arians persecute the Orthodox. 

 Chapter XVI.—  Certain Presbyters burnt in a Ship by Order of Valens. Famine in Phrygia. 

 Chapter XVII.—  The Emperor Valens, while at Antioch, again persecutes the Adherents of the ‘Homoousion.’ 

 Chapter XVIII.—  Events at Edessa: Constancy of the Devout Citizens, and Courage of a Pious Woman. 

 Chapter XIX.—  Slaughter of Many Persons by Valens an Account of their Names, in Consequence of a Heathen Prediction. 

 Chapter XX.—  Death of Athanasius, and Elevation of Peter to His See. 

 Chapter XXI.—  The Arians are allowed by the Emperor to imprison Peter and to set Lucius over the See of Alexandria. 

 Chapter XXII.—  Silence of Sabinus on the Misdeeds of the Arians Flight of Peter to Rome Massacre of the Solitaries at the Instigation of the Arians

 Chapter XXIII.—  The Deeds of Some Holy Persons who devoted themselves to a Solitary Life  .

 Chapter XXIV.—  Assault upon the Monks, and Banishment of their Superiors, who exhibit Miraculous Power. 

 Chapter XXV.—  Of Didymus the Blind Man. 

 Chapter XXVI.—  Of Basil of Cæsarea, and Gregory of Nazianzus. 

 Chapter XXVII.—  Of Gregory Thaumaturgus (the Wonder-Worker). 

 Chapter XXVIII.—  Of Novatus and his Followers. The Novatians of Phrygia alter the Time of keeping Easter, following Jewish Usage. 

 Chapter XXIX.—  Damasus ordained Bishop of Rome. Sedition and Loss of Life caused by the Rivalry of Ursinus. 

 Chapter XXX.—  Dissension about a Successor to Auxentius, Bishop of Milan. Ambrose, Governor of the Province, going to appease the Tumult, is by Gener

 Chapter XXXI.—  Death of Valentinian. 

 Chapter XXXII.—  The Emperor Valens, appeased by the Oration of Themistius the Philosopher, abates his Persecution of the Christians. 

 Chapter XXXIII.—  The Goths, under the Reign of Valens, embrace Christianity. 

 Chapter XXXIV.—  Admission of the Fugitive Goths into the Roman Territories, which caused the Emperor’s Overthrow, and eventually the Ruin of the Roma

 Chapter XXXV.—  Abatement of Persecution against the Christians because of the War with the Goths. 

 Chapter XXXVI.—  The Saracens, under Mavia their Queen, embrace Christianity and Moses, a Pious Monk, is consecrated their Bishop. 

 Chapter XXXVII.—  After the Departure of Valens from Antioch, the Alexandrians expel Lucius, and restore Peter, who had come with Letters from Damasus

 Chapter XXXVIII.—  The Emperor Valens is ridiculed by the People on Account of the Goths undertakes an Expedition against them and is slain in an Eng

 Book V

 Book V.

 Chapter I.—  After the Death of Valens the Goths again attack Constantinople, and are repulsed by the Citizens, aided by Some Saracen Auxiliaries. 

 Chapter II.—  The Emperor Gratian recalls the Orthodox Bishops, and expels the Heretics from the Churches. He takes Theodosius as his Colleague in the

 Chapter III.—  The Principal Bishops who flourished at that Time. 

 Chapter IV.—  The Macedonians, who had subscribed the ‘Homoousian’ Doctrine, return to their Former Error. 

 Chapter V.—  Events at Antioch in Connection with Paulinus and Meletius. 

 Chapter VI.—  Gregory of Nazianzus is transferred to the See of Constantinople. The Emperor Theodosius falling Sick at Thessalonica, after his Victory

 Chapter VII.—  Gregory, finding Some Dissatisfaction about his Appointment, abdicates the Episcopate of Constantinople. The Emperor orders Demophilus

 Chapter VIII.—  A Synod consisting of One Hundred and Fifty Bishops meets at Constantinople. The Decrees passed. Ordination of Nectarius. 

 Chapter IX.—  The Body of Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, is honorably transferred from his Place of Exile. Death of Meletius. 

 Chapter X.—  The Emperor orders a Convention composed of All the Various Sects. Arcadius is proclaimed Augustus. The Novatians permitted to hold their

 Chapter XI.—  The Emperor Gratian is slain by the Treachery of the Usurper Maximus. From Fear of him Justina ceases persecuting Ambrose. 

 Chapter XII.—  While the Emperor Theodosius is engaged in Military Preparations against Maximus, his Son Honorius is born. He then proceeds to Milan i

 Chapter XIII.—  The Arians excite a Tumult at Constantinople. 

 Chapter XIV.—  Overthrow and Death of the Usurper Maximus. 

 Chapter XV.—  Of Flavian Bishop of Antioch. 

 Chapter XVI.—  Demolition of the Idolatrous Temples at Alexandria, and the Consequent Conflict between the Pagans and Christians. 

 Chapter XVII.—  Of the Hieroglyphics found in the Temple of Serapis. 

 Chapter XVIII.—  Reformation of Abuses at Rome by the Emperor Theodosius. 

 Chapter XIX.—  Of the Office of Penitentiary Presbyters and its Abolition. 

 Chapter XX.—  Divisions among the Arians and Other Heretics. 

 Chapter XXI.—  Peculiar Schism among the Novatians. 

 Chapter XXII.—  The Author’s Views respecting the Celebration of Easter, Baptism, Fasting, Marriage, the Eucharist, and Other Ecclesiastical Rites. 

 Chapter XXIII.—  Further Dissensions among the Arians at Constantinople. The Psathyrians. 

 Chapter XXIV.—  The Eunomians divide into Several Factions. 

 Chapter XXV.—  The Usurper Eugenius compasses the Death of Valentinian the Younger. Theodosius obtains a Victory over him. 

 Chapter XXVI.—  Illness and Death of Theodosius the Elder. 

 Book VI

 Book VI.

 Chapter I.—  On the Death of Theodosius his Two Sons divide the Empire. Rufinus is slain at the Feet of Arcadius. 

 Chapter II.—  Death of Nectarius and Ordination of John. 

 Chapter III.—  Birth and Education of John Bishop of Constantinople. 

 Chapter IV.—  Of Serapion the Deacon on whose Account John becomes Odious to his Clergy. 

 Chapter V.—  John draws down upon Himself the Displeasure of Many Persons of Rank and Power. Of the Eunuch Eutropius. 

 Chapter VI.—  Gaïnas the Goth attempts to usurp the Sovereign Power after filling Constantinople with Disorder, he is slain. 

 Chapter VII.—  Dissension between Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria and the Monks of the Desert. Condemnation of Origen’s Books. 

 Chapter VIII.—  The Arians and the Supporters of the ‘Homoousion’ hold Nocturnal Assemblies and sing Antiphonal Hymns, a Species of Composition ascrib

 Chapter IX.—  Dispute between Theophilus and Peter leading to an Attempt on the Part of the Former to depose John Bishop of Constantinople. 

 Chapter X.—  Epiphanius Bishop of Cyprus convenes a Synod to condemn the Books of Origen. 

 Chapter XI.—  Of Severian and Antiochus: their Disagreement from John. 

 Chapter XII.—  Epiphanius, in order to gratify Theophilus, performs Ordinations at Constantinople without John’s Permission. 

 Chapter XIII.—  The Author’s Defence of Origen. 

 Chapter XIV.—  Epiphanius is asked to meet John on refusing he is admonished concerning his Anticanonical Proceedings alarmed at this he leaves Cons

 Chapter XV.—  John is expelled from his Church by a Synod held at Chalcedon on account of his Dispraise of Women. 

 Chapter XVI.—  Sedition on Account of John Chrysostom’s Banishment. He is recalled. 

 Chapter XVII.—  Conflict between the Constantinopolitans and Alexandrians on Account of Heraclides Flight of Theophilus and the Bishops of his Party.

 Chapter XVIII.—  Of Eudoxia’s Silver Statue. On account of it John is exiled a Second Time. 

 Chapter XIX.—  Ordination of Arsacius as John’s Successor. Indisposition of Cyrinus Bishop of Chalcedon. 

 Chapter XX.—  Death of Arsacius, and Ordination of Atticus. 

 Chapter XXI.—  John dies in Exile. 

 Chapter XXII.—  Of Sisinnius Bishop of the Novatians. His Readiness at Repartee. 

 Chapter XXIII.—  Death of the Emperor Arcadius. 

 Book VII

 Book VII.

 Chapter II.—  Character and Conduct of Atticus Bishop of Constantinople. 

 Chapter III.—  Of Theodosius and Agapetus Bishops of Synada. 

 Chapter IV.—  A Paralytic Jew healed by Atticus in Baptism. 

 Chapter V.—  The Presbyter Sabbatius, formerly a Jew, separates from the Novatians. 

 Chapter VI.—  The Leaders of Arianism at this Time. 

 Chapter VII.—  Cyril succeeds Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria. 

 Chapter VIII.—  Propagation of Christianity among the Persians by Maruthas Bishop of Mesopotamia. 

 Chapter IX.—  The Bishops of Antioch and Rome. 

 Chapter X.—  Rome taken and sacked by Alaric. 

 Chapter XI.—  The Bishops of Rome. 

 Chapter XII.—  Of Chrysanthus Bishop of the Novatians at Constantinople. 

 Chapter XIII.—  Conflict between the Christians and Jews at Alexandria: and breach between the Bishop Cyril and the Prefect Orestes. 

 Chapter XIV.—  The Monks of Nitria come down and raise a Sedition against the Prefect of Alexandria. 

 Chapter XV.—  Of Hypatia the Female Philosopher. 

 Chapter XVI.—  The Jews commit Another Outrage upon the Christians and are punished. 

 Chapter XVII.—  Miracle performed by Paul Bishop of the Novatians at the Baptism of a Jewish Impostor. 

 Chapter XVIII.—  Renewal of Hostilities between the Romans and Persians after the Death of Isdigerdes King of the Persians. 

 Chapter XIX.—  Of Palladius the Courier. 

 Chapter XX.—  A Second Overthrow of the Persians by the Romans. 

 Chapter XXI.—  Kind Treatment of the Persian Captives by Acacius Bishop of Amida. 

 Chapter XXII.—  Virtues of the Emperor Theodosius the Younger. 

 Chapter XXIII.—  After the Death of the Emperor Honorius John usurps the Sovereignty at Rome. He is destroyed through the Prayers of Theodosius the Yo

 Chapter XXIV.—  Valentinian a Son of Constantius and Placidia, Aunt of Theodosius, is proclaimed Emperor. 

 Chapter XXV.—  Christian Benevolence of Atticus Bishop of Constantinople. He registers John’s Name in the Diptychs. His Fore-knowledge of his Own Deat

 Chapter XXVI.—  Sisinnius is chosen to succeed Atticus. 

 Chapter XXVII.—  Voluminous Productions of Philip, a Presbyter of Side. 

 Chapter XXVIII.—  Proclus ordained Bishop of Cyzicus by Sisinnius, but rejected by the People. 

 Chapter XXIX.—  Nestorius of Antioch promoted to the See of Constantinople. His Persecution of the Heretics. 

 Chapter XXX.—  The Burgundians embrace Christianity under Theodosius the Younger. 

 Chapter XXXI.—  Nestorius harasses the Macedonians. 

 Chapter XXXII.—  Of the Presbyter Anastasius, by whom the Faith of Nestorius was perverted. 

 Chapter XXXIII.—  Desecration of the Altar of the Great Church by Runaway Slaves. 

 Chapter XXXIV.—  Synod at Ephesus against Nestorius. His Deposition. 

 Chapter XXXV.—  Maximian elected to the Episcopate of Constantinople, though Some wished Proclus to take that Place. 

 Chapter XXXVI.—  The Author’s Opinion of the Validity of Translations from One See to Another. 

 Chapter XXXVII.—  Miracle performed by Silvanus Bishop of Troas formerly of Philippopolis. 

 Chapter XXXVIII.—  Many of the Jews in Crete embrace the Christian Faith. 

 Chapter XXXIX.—  Preservation of the Church of the Novatians from Fire. 

 Chapter XL.—  Proclus succeeds Maximian Bishop of Constantinople. 

 Chapter XLI.—  Excellent Qualities of Proclus. 

 Chapter XLII.—  Panegyric of the Emperor Theodosius Younger. 

 Chapter XLIII.—  Calamities of the Barbarians who had been the Usurper John’s Allies. 

 Chapter XLIV.—  Marriage of the Emperor Valentinian with Eudoxia the Daughter of Theodosius. 

 Chapter XLV.—  The Body of John Chrysostom transferred to Constantinople, and placed in the Church of the Apostles by the Emperor at the Instigation o

 Chapter XLVI.—  Death of Paul Bishop of the Novatians, and Election of Marcian as his Successor. 

 Chapter XLVII.—  The Empress Eudocia goes to Jerusalem sent there by the Emperor Theodosius. 

 Chapter XLVIII.—  Thalassius is ordained Bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia. 

Chapter XXXVIII.—  The Death of Arius.   149  For a reproduction of the circumstances related in this chapter, together with a historical estimate of them based on additional evidence, see Neander, Hist. of the Christ. Ch. Vol. II. p. 384–388.

Such was the supplication of Alexander. Meanwhile the emperor, being desirous of personally examining Arius, sent for him to the palace, and asked him whether he would assent to the determinations of the Synod at Nicæa. He without hesitation replied in the affirmative, and subscribed the declaration of the faith in the emperor’s presence, acting with duplicity. The emperor, surprised at his ready compliance, obliged him to confirm his signature by an oath. This also he did with equal dissimulation. The way he evaded, as I have heard, was this: he wrote his own opinion on paper, and carried it under his arm, so that he then swore truly that he really held the sentiments he had written. That this is so, however, I have written from hearsay, but that he added an oath to his subscription, I have myself ascertained, from an examination of the emperor’s own letters. The emperor being thus convinced, ordered that he should be received into communion by Alexander, bishop of Constantinople. It was then Saturday, and Arius was expecting to assemble with the church on the day following: but divine retribution overtook his daring criminalities. For going out of the imperial palace, attended by a crowd of Eusebian partisans like guards, he paraded proudly through the midst of the city, attracting the notice of all the people. As he approached the place called Constantine’s Forum, where the column of porphyry is erected, a terror arising from the remorse of conscience seized Arius, and with the terror a violent relaxation of the bowels: he therefore enquired whether there was a convenient place near, and being directed to the back of Constantine’s Forum, he hastened thither. Soon after a faintness came over him, and together with the evacuations his bowels protruded, followed by a copious hemorrhage, and the descent of the smaller intestines: moreover portions of his spleen and liver were brought off in the effusion of blood, so that he almost immediately died. The scene of this catastrophe still is shown at Constantinople, as I have said, behind the shambles in the colonnade: and by persons going by pointing the finger at the place, there is a perpetual remembrance preserved of this extraordinary kind of death. So disastrous an occurrence filled with dread and alarm the party of Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia; and the report of it quickly spread itself over the city and throughout the whole world. As the king grew more earnest in Christianity and confessed that the confession at Nicæa was attested by God, he rejoiced at the occurrences. He was also glad because of his three sons whom he had already proclaimed Cæsars; one of each of them having been created at every successive decennial anniversary of his reign. To the eldest, whom he called Constantine, after his own name, he assigned the government of the western parts of the empire, on the completion of his first decade. His second son Constantius, who bore his grandfather’s name, he constituted Cæsar in the eastern division, when the second decade had been completed. And Constans, the youngest, he invested with a similar dignity, in the thirtieth year of his own reign.

149 For a reproduction of the circumstances related in this chapter, together with a historical estimate of them based on additional evidence, see Neander, Hist. of the Christ. Ch. Vol. II. p. 384–388.