ODE 1.

 ODE 2.

 ODE 3.

 ODE 4.

 ODE 5.

 ODE 6.

 ODE 7.

 ODE 8.

 ODE 9.

 ODE 10.

 ODE 11.

 ODE 12.

 ODE 13.

 ODE 14.

 ODE 15.

 ODE 16.

 ODE 17.

 ODE 18.

 ODE 19.

 ODE 20.

 ODE 21.

 ODE 22.

 ODE 23.

 ODE 24.

 ODE 25.

 ODE 26.

 ODE 27.

 ODE 28.

 ODE 29.

 ODE 30.

 ODE 31.

 ODE 32.

 ODE 33.

 ODE 34.

 ODE 35.

 ODE 36.

 ODE 37.

 ODE 38.

 ODE 39.

 ODE 40.

 ODE 41.

 ODE 42.

ODE 19.

Fantastic and not in harmony with the other Odes. The reference to a painless Virgin Birth is notable .

1 A cup of milk was offered to me: and I drank it in the sweetness of the delight of the Lord.
2 The Son is the cup, and He who was milked is the Father:
3 And the Holy Spirit milked Him: because His breasts were full, and it was necessary for Him that His milk should be sufficiently released;
4 And the Holy Spirit opened His bosom and mingled the milk from the two breasts of the Father; and gave the mixture to the world without their knowing:
5 And they who receive in its fulness are the ones on the right hand.
6 The Spirit opened the womb of the Virgin and she received conception and brought forth; and the Virgin became a Mother with many mercies;
7 And she travailed and brought forth a Son, without incurring pain;
8 And because she was not sufficiently prepared, and she had not sought a midwife (for He brought her to bear) she brought forth, as if she were a man, of her own will;
9 And she brought Him forth openly, and acquired Him with great dignity,
10 And loved Him in His swaddling clothes and guarded Him kindly, and showed Him in Majesty. Hallelujah.