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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
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Iter Apostolicum Summi Pontificis in Regnum Unitum: Birminganiae in Cofton
Park, dum Eucharistia celebratur occasione beatificationis Cardinalis Ioannis
Henrici Newman.*
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This day that has brought us together here in Birmingham is a most
auspicious one. In the first place, it is the Lord's day, Sunday, the day when
our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and changed the course of human
history for ever, offering new life and hope to all who live in darkness and in
the shadow of death. That is why Christians all over the world come together
on this day to give praise and thanks to God for the great marvels he has
worked for us. This particular Sunday also marks a significant moment in the
life of the British nation, as it is the day chosen to commemorate the seven-
tieth anniversary of the Battle of Britain. For me as one who lived and
suffered through the dark days of the Nazi regime in Germany, it is deeply
moving to be here with you on this occasion, and to recall how many of your
fellow citizens sacrificed their lives, courageously resisting the forces of that
evil ideology. My thoughts go in particular to nearby Coventry, which suf-
fered such heavy bombardment and massive loss of life in November 1940.
Seventy years later, we recall with shame and horror the dreadful toll of
death and destruction that war brings in its wake, and we renew our resolve
to work for peace and reconciliation wherever the threat of conflict looms.
Yet there is another, more joyful reason why this is an auspicious day for
Great Britain, for the Midlands, for Birmingham. It is the day that sees
Cardinal John Henry Newman formally raised to the altars and declared
I thank Archbishop Bernard Longley for his gracious welcome at the start
of Mass this morning. I pay tribute to all who have worked so hard over
many years to promote the cause of Cardinal Newman, including the Fathers
of the Birmingham Oratory and the members of the Spiritual Family Das
Werk. And I greet everyone here from Great Britain, Ireland, and further
afield; I thank you for your presence at this celebration, in which we give
glory and praise to God for the heroic virtue of a saintly Englishman.
* Die 19 Septembris 2010.