Francesco Faa di Bruno

 Felix Faber

 Frederick William Faber

 Johann Faber (Theologian)

 Johann Faber (of Heilbronn)

 Johann Augustanus Faber

 Matthias Faber

 Philip Faber

 Pope St. Fabian

 St. Fabiola

 Joseph Fabre

 Honoré Fabri

 Diocese of Fabriano and Matelica

 Fabrica Ecclesiæ

 Hieronymus Fabricius

 Robert Fabyan


 Jacopo Facciolati

 Canonical Faculties

 Faculties of the Soul

 Facundus of Hermiane

 Diocese of Faenza

 Prospero Fagnani

 Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano

 Etienne-Michel Faillon


 Protestant Confessions of Faith

 Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity

 Rule of Faith

 The Faithful

 Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus

 Juan Conchillos Falco


 Thomas Falkner

 Diocese of Fall River

 Gabriello Fallopio

 Vicomte de Falloux du Coudray

 False Decretals





 Diocese of Fano


 Henri Faraud

 Abbey of Farfa

 Diocese of Fargo (Fargus)

 George-Barthélemy Faribault

 Jean-Baptiste Faribault

 Paolo Farinato

 Daniele Farlati

 Alessandro Farnese

 Diocese of Faro

 Faroe Islands




 Fathers of Mercy

 Volume 7

 Fathers of the Church

 Lawrence Arthur Faunt

 Charles-Claude Fauriel

 Sts. Faustinus and Jovita

 Faustus of Riez

 Faversham Abbey

 Hervé-Auguste-Etienne-Albans Faye

 Fear (in Canon Law)

 Fear (from Moral Standpoint)

 Ecclesiastical Feasts


 John de Feckenham

 Johann Michael Feder

 Rudolph William Basil Feilding

 Andreas Benedict Feilmoser

 Johann Ignaz von Felbiger

 Felician Sisters


 St. Felicitas

 Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua

 Pope St. Felix I

 Pope Felix II

 Pope St. Felix III

 Pope St. Felix IV

 Anti-Pope Felix V (Amadeus of Savoy)

 Célestin-Joseph Félix

 Sts. Felix and Adauctus

 St. Felix of Cantalice

 St. Felix of Nola

 St. Felix of Valois

 François-Xavier de Feller

 Johann Michael Nathanael Feneberg

 François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon

 John Fenn

 Nicolaus Ferber

 Bl. Ferdinand

 Ferdinand II

 St. Ferdinand III

 Diocese of Ferentino

 Sts. Fergus


 Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Ferland

 Archdiocese of Fermo

 Antonio Fernández

 Juan Fernández

 Diego Fernández de Palencia

 Diocese of Ferns

 Archdiocese of Ferrara

 Gaudenzio Ferrari

 Lucius Ferraris

 Vicente Ferre

 Antonio Ferreira

 Rafael Ferrer

 Abbey of Ferrières

 Heinrich Freiherr von Ferstel

 Joseph Fesch

 Josef Fessler

 Domenico Feti


 François Feuardent

 Baron Ernst Von Feuchtersleben



 Louis Feuillet

 Paul-Henri-Corentin Féval

 Benito Jerónimo Feyjóo y Montenegro

 St. Fiacc

 St. Fiacre

 Marsilio Ficino

 Julius von Ficker


 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

 Diocese of Fiesole

 Francisco de Figueroa

 Francisco García de la Rosa Figueroa

 Francesco Filelfo

 Filial Church

 Vincenzo da Filicaja


 Guillaume Fillastre (Philastrius)

 Vincenzo Filliucci

 Felix Filliucius

 St. Finan

 St. Finbarr

 Ven. John Finch

 Ven. John Finglow

 Grand Duchy of Finland

 St. Finnian of Moville

 Joseph M. Finotti

 Sts. Fintan

 Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi

 Liturgical Use of Fire


 Firmicus Maternus




 Fiscal Procurator

 Symbolism of the Fish

 Philip Fisher

 Daniel Fitter

 James Fitton

 Henry Fitzalan

 Maria Anne Fitzherbert

 Sir Anthony Fitzherbert

 Thomas Fitzherbert

 William John Fitzpatrick

 Richard Fitzralph

 Henry Fitzsimon

 Thomas Fitz-Simons

 Placidus Fixlmillner

 Armand-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau


 Ælia Flaccilla



 Benedict Joseph Flaget

 Thomas Canon Flanagan


 Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin

 Flathead Indians

 Ven. Mathew Flathers

 Flavia Domitilla

 St. Flavian


 Abbey of Flavigny


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 Richard Fleming

 Thomas Fleming

 John Fletcher

 William Flete

 Zénaide-Marie-Anne Fleuriot

 Abbey of Fleury

 André-Hercule de Fleury

 Claude Fleury


 Abbey of Floreffe

 Archdiocese of Florence

 Florence of Worcester

 St. Florentina

 Enrique Flórez

 Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de Florian

 The Florians




 John Floyd

 Archdiocese of Fogaras

 Diocese of Foggia

 St. Foillan

 Teofilo Folengo

 Diocese of Foligno

 Folkestone Abbey

 José Ribeiro da Fonseca

 Pedro da Fonseca

 Antonio da Fonseca Soares

 Carlo Fontana

 Domenico Fontana

 Felice Fontana

 Jeanne Fontbonne


 Abbey of Fontenelle

 Order and Abbey of Fontevrault

 Abbey of Fontfroide

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 Comte de Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph Forbin-Janson

 Egidio Forcellini

 Andrew Foreman

 Laurenz Forer

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 Henry Formby

 Pope Formosus


 William Forrest

 Arnold Förster

 Frobenius Forster

 Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster

 Diocese of Fortaleza

 Fort Augustus Abbey

 Bl. Adrian Fortescue


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 Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus

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 Diocese of Fossombrone (Forum Sempronii)


 John Gray Foster

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 Foulque de Neuilly


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 Ausonio Franchi


 Francis I

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 St. Francis Caracciolo

 St. Francis de Geronimo

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 St. Francis of Assisi

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 St. Francis of Paula

 Francis of Vittoria

 Bl. Francis Regis Clet

 St. Francis Solanus

 St. Francis Xavier

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 Giovanni Battista Franco

 Michael Sigismund Frank

 Graf von Frankenberg

 Council of Frankfort



 Johann Baptist Franzelin

 Diocese of Frascati

 Claude Frassen



 Joseph von Fraunhofer

 Denis de Frayssinous

 Louis-Honoré Fréchette


 Fredegis of Tours

 Frederick I (Barbarossa)

 Frederick II

 Berenger Fredoli

 Free Church of Scotland

 Ven. William Freeman


 Free Will

 Federigo Fregoso


 Diocese of Fréjus (Forum Julii)

 James Fremin

 Nicholas French

 French Catholics in the United States

 Charles-Emile Freppel

 Frequent Communion

 Augustin-Jean Fresnel


 Order of Friars Minor

 University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

 Xaver Ehrenbert Fridelli

 St. Frideswide

 St. Fridolin

 Friedrich von Hausen

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 Friends of God

 Abbey of Frigolet

 Fringes (in Scripture)

 Samuel Fritz

 Jean Froissart

 Eugène Fromentin

 Count Louis de Buade Frontenac

 Bl. Frowin

 St. Fructuosus of Braga

 St. Fructuosus of Tarragona

 Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs

 Joseph Führich

 Fulbert of Chartres

 St. Fulcran

 Diocese of Fulda

 St. Fulgentius

 St. Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius

 Fulgentius Ferrandus

 Lady Georgiana Charlotte Fullerton

 Bartolommeo Fumo

 Diocese of Funchal

 Fundamental Articles

 Funeral Dues

 Funeral Pall

 Diocese of Fünfkirchen

 Franz Xaver von Funk

 Furness Abbey


 John Furniss

 St. Fursey

 Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg


 John Fust

 William Benedict Fytch

Faculties of the Soul


Whatever doctrine one may hold concerning the nature of the human soul and its relations to the organism, the four following points are beyond the possibility of doubt.

  • Consciousness is the scene of incessant change; its processes appear, now in one sequence now in another; and, normally, the duration of each is brief.
  • All do not present the same general features, nor affect consciousness in the same manner. They differ on account both of their characters as manifested in consciousness, and of the organ, either external or internal, on which their appearance depends. Yet the features they have in common under this twofold aspect, together with their differences, make it possible and necessary to group mental states in certain more or less comprehensive classes.
  • There is more in the mind than is actually manifested in consciousness; there are latent images, ideas, and feelings, which under given conditions emerge and are recognized even after a considerable interval of time. By reason of their innate or acquired aptitudes, minds differ in capacity or power. Hence, even if it were possible for two minds to experience processes perfectly similar, they would nevertheless differ greatly because one is capable of experiences impossible to the other.
  • Notwithstanding their variety and their intermittent character, these processes belong to one and the same conscious subject; they are all referred naturally and spontaneously to the self or me.

These facts are the psychological basis for admitting faculties (from facere, to do), capacities (capax, from capere, to hold), or powers (from posse, to be able; the Scholastics generally use the corresponding Latin term potentiæ).

Any attempt, however, to define with greater precision the meaning of faculties, is sure to call forth vigorous protest. In fact, few psychological questions of similar importance have been the object of so many animated discussions, and, it may be added, of so many misunderstandings. One extreme view looks upon faculties as real, though secondary agents, exercising an active influence on one another, and as being scientific explanations of psychological facts. Why does man see and reason? Because he has the faculties of vision and reasoning. The will acts, is free; there is an interaction of the intellect, the will, the senses, the feelings, etc. Sometimes, however, such expressions are used with the understanding that they are metaphors, and with the explicit or implicit warning that they must not be taken literally.

At the other extreme are found psychologists — and they are numerous to-day — who refuse to concede any kind of reality whatsoever to faculties. Processes alone are real; faculties are simply general terms used to label certain groups of processes. Like all abstractions they should never be looked upon as having any reality outside of the mind, which uses them as logical substitutes to facilitate the classification of mental facts.

That the faculty theory has no essential connection with Catholic dogma is sufficiently evidenced by the fact that it has found, and still finds, opponents as well as advocates among Catholic theologians and philosophers.

Judging, therefore, the question on its own merits, it may be said that the doctrine of St. Thomas avoids both extremes mentioned above, and is at least free from the absurdities with which modern psychologists so frequently charge the faculty theory. His expressions, taken apart from their context, and translated without a sufficient acquaintance with Scholastic terminology, might easily be given a wrong interpretation. For as the knowledge of the nature of the soul and its faculties, according to St. Thomas, is partly negative, and, in its positive aspect, analogical, it is necessary to use expressions taken from things which are known more directly. But we are given some principles which must always be kept in mind; for instance, "the faculties act only by the energy of the soul"; they have no energy of their own, for "they are not the agents". Coming to more special applications, "it is not the intellect that understands, but the soul through the intellect" (Quæst. Disp., De Veritate, x, 9, ad 3). Again, the question is not asked whether the will is free, but whether man is free (Summa, I:83; I-II:13; De Veritate, xxiv; De Malo, vi). This shows that when a real distinction is admitted between the soul and its faculties, or between the faculties themselves, the meaning is not that of a distinction between substances or agents. In Scholastic terminology, distinction does not always mean separation nor even the possibility of separation. And the distinction between a substance and its qualities, attributes or modes, was called a real distinction.

If the soul can originate or experience states which, as everybody admits, may be widely different, it is because there are in the mind various modes of energy or faculties. Since minds differ not only by the actual contents of consciousness, but also, and chiefly, by the power which they have of experiencing different processes, it is clear that if this constitutes a real difference, it must itself be something real. So unavoidable is this conclusion, that some of the strongest opponents of faculties are at the same time the strongest defenders of the theory of psychical dispositions, which they postulate in order to explain the facts of memory, mental habit, and in general, the utilization, conscious or unconscious, of past experience. And yet, what is a psychical disposition but an acquired power or faculty? Stuart Mill's "background of possibilities" or Taine's "permanent possibility" are certainly less clear and more objectionable than faculties, for the faculty is not a mere possibility, but a real power of an agent, a potentia (see ACTUS ET POTENTIA).

Psychical dispositions are no more explanations of facts than are faculties, if by explanation is meant the assigning of an antecedent better known than, or known independently of, the facts to be explained. In both cases, the whole knowledge of the faculty, or the disposition, is derived from the processes themselves, for neither can fall under direct observation. The possibility of an experience or action, if known, is always known by direct inference or by analogy from past experiences or actions. Yet without being a scientific explanation, and without substituting itself for scientific explanations, the faculty, like the disposition, trace, subconscious activity, etc., is a legitimate postulate.


Plato admits three parts, forms, or powers of the soul, perhaps even three distinct souls: the intellect (noûs), the nobler affections (thumós), and the appetites or passions (epithumetikón).

For Aristotle, the soul is one, but endowed with five groups of faculties (dunámeis): the "vegetative" faculty (threptikón), concerned with the maintenance and development of organic life; the appetite (oretikón), or the tendency to any good; the faculty of sense perception (aisthetikón); the "locomotive" faculty (kinetikón), which presides over the various bodily movements; and reason (dianoetikón). The Scholastics generally follow Aristotle's classification. For them body and soul are united in one complete substance. The soul is the forma substantialis, the vital principle, the source of all activities. Hence their science of the soul deals with functions which nowadays belong to the provinces of biology and physiology. In more recent times, however, especially under the influence of Descartes, the mind has been separated, and even estranged, from the organism. Psychology deals only with the inner world, that is, the world of consciousness and its conditions. The nature of the mind and its relations to the organism are questions that belong to philosophy or metaphysics. As a consequence, also, modern psychology fails to distinguish between the spiritual faculties of the soul, i.e. those which the soul exercises itself without the intrinsic co-operation of the organism, and the faculties of the compositum, i.e. the soul and organism united in one complete principle of action, or of one special animated organ. This distinction was also an essential point in the Aristotelean and Scholastic psychology.

Finally, the Scholastics reduced affective life to the general faculty of appetites, whereas to-day, especially since Kant, a tripartite division is more commonly accepted, namely into cognitive, affective, and conative faculties. Some, however, still hold a bipartite division. Others, finally, reject both as unsatisfactory, and follow the order of development, or base their classification both on objective conditions and subjective characteristics. Without entering into the discussion, it may be said that, however useful and justifiable the tripartite classification may prove in psychology, the Scholastic reduction of feelings to "appetite" seems to be deeper and more philosophical. For feelings and emotions, pleasurable or painful, result from an agreement or conflict between certain experiences and the mind's tendency.