18. But if this that you say is true,—if it has been tested and thoroughly ascertained both that the gods boil with rage, and that an impulse of this kind agitates the divinities with excitement, on the one hand they are not immortal, and on the other they are not to be reckoned as at all partaking of divinity. For wherever, as the philosophers hold, there is any agitation, there of necessity passion must exist. Where passion is situated, it is reasonable that mental excitement follow. Where there is mental excitement, there grief and sorrow exist. Where grief and sorrow exist, there is already room for weakening and decay; and if these two harass them, extinction is at hand, viz., death, which ends all things, and takes away life from every sentient being.
XVIII. Quod si verum est istud, et est exploratum, et cognitum, et fervescere deos ira, et hujusmodi motus perturbatione jactarit immortales, et perpetui non sunt: nec in divinitatis alicujus existimatione ponendi. Ubi enim est ullus, sicut sapientibus 0739B videtur, affectus, ibi esse necesse est passionem. 0740A Ubi passio sita est, perturbationem consentaneum est consequi. Ubi perturbatio est, ibi dolor et aegritudo est. Ubi dolor et aegritudo est, imminutioni et corruptioni jam locus est: quae duo si vexant, adest vicinus interitus, mors omnia finiens, et cunctis adimens sentientibus vitam.