19. Neither should you think that he is father to your children who is both changeable and infirm, but you should obtain Him who is the eternal and unchanging Father of spiritual children. Assign to Him your wealth which you are saving up for your heirs. Let Him be the guardian for your children; let Him be their trustee; let Him be their protector, by His divine majesty, against all worldly injuries. The state neither takes away the property entrusted to God, nor does the exchequer intrude on it, nor does any forensic calumny overthrow it. That inheritance is placed in security which is kept under the guardianship of God.53 [“The howse shall be preserved and never will decaye Wheare the Almightie God is honored and served, daye by daye.” This motto I copied from an old oaken beam in the hall of Rockingham Castle, with date a.d. 1579. In 1875 I saw the householder kneeling under this motto, with all his family and servants, daily.] This is to provide for one’s dear pledges for the coming time; this is with paternal affection to take care for one’s future heirs, according to the faith of the Holy Scripture, which says: “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed wanting bread. All the day long he is merciful, and lendeth;54 The original is variously read “fœnerat” and “commodat.” and his seed is blessed.”55 Ps. xxxvii. 25, 26. And again: “He who walketh without reproach in his integrity shall leave blessed children after him.”56 Prov. xx. 7. Therefore you are an unfair and traitorous father, unless you faithfully consult for your children, unless you look forward to preserve them in religion and true piety. You who are careful rather for their earthly than for their heavenly estate, rather to commend your children to the devil than to Christ, are sinning twice, and allowing a double and twofold crime, both in not providing for your children the aid of God their Father, and in teaching your children to love their property more than Christ.
XIX. Nec eum liberis tuis cogites patrem qui et temporarius et infirmus est , sed illum pares qui aeternus et firmus filiorum spiritalium pater est. Illi assigna facultates tuas quas haeredibus servas. Ille sit liberis tuis tutor, ille curator, ille contra omnes injurias saeculares divina majestate protector. Patrimonium Deo creditum nec respublica eripit, nec fiscus invadit, nec calumnia aliqua forensis evertit. In tuto haereditas ponitur quae Deo custode servatur. Hoc est charis pignoribus in posterum providere, hoc est futuris haeredibus paterna pietate consulere secundum fidem Scripturae sanctae dicentis: Junior fui , et senui, et non vidi justum derelictum, neque semen 0616C ejus egens pane . Tota die miseretur et foenerat, et semen 0617A ejus in benedictione est (Psal. XXXVI, 25). Et iterum: Qui conversatur sine vituperatione in justitia , beatos post se filios relinquet (Prov. XX, 7). Praevaricator itaque et proditor pater es, nisi filiis tuis fideliter consulas, nisi conservandis eis religiosa et vera pietate prospicias. Qui studes terreno magis quam coelesti patrimonio, filios tuos diabolo magis commendare quam Christo, bis delinquis et geminum ac duplex crimen admittis, et quod non praeparas filiis tuis Dei patris auxilium, et quod doces filios patrimonium plus amare quam Christum.