TRACTATUS III. De eo quod sequitur, Pueri, novissima hora est usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS IV. De eo quod sequitur, Et verax est, et non est mendax usque ad id, Cap. et cap.
TRACTATUS V. In id quod sequitur, Omnis qui natus est ex Deo, non facit peccatum usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS VI. In illud, Et in hoc cognoscimus quia ex veritate sumus usque ad id, etc. Cap. et cap.
TRACTATUS VII. Ab eo quod sequitur, Jam vos ex Deo estis filioli usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS VIII. De eo quod sequitur, Si diligamus invicem, Deus in nobis manebit usque ad id, Cap.
TRACTATUS IX. De eo quod sequitur, In hoc perfecta est dilectio in nobis usque ad id, Cap.
5. “I write unto you, fathers.”100 1 John ii. 13. Why first sons? “Because your sins are forgiven you through His name,” and ye are regenerated into a new life, therefore sons. Why fathers? “Because ye have known Him that is from the beginning:” for the beginning hath relation unto fatherhood. Christ new in flesh, but ancient in Godhead. How ancient think we? how many years old? Think we, of greater age101 Major. than His mother? Assuredly of greater age than His mother, for “all things were made by Him.”102 John i. 3. If all things, then did the Ancient make the very mother of whom the New should be born. Was He, think we, before His mother only? Yea, and before His mother’s ancestors is His antiquity. The ancestor of His mother was Abraham; and the Lord saith, “Before Abraham I am.”103 John viii. 58. Before Abraham, say we? The heaven and earth, ere man was, were made. Before these was the Lord, nay rather also is. For right well He saith, not, Before Abraham I was, but, “Before Abraham I Am.” For that of which one says, “was,” is not; and that of which one says, “will be,” is not yet: He knoweth not other than to be. As God, He knoweth “to be:” “was,” and “will be,” He knoweth not. It is one day there, but a day that is for ever and ever. That day yesterday and tomorrow do not set in the midst between them: for when the ‘yesterday’ is ended, the ‘to-day’ begins, to be finished by the coming ‘tomorrow.’ That one day there is a day without darkness, without night, without spaces, without measure, without hours. Call it what thou wilt: if thou wilt, it is a day; if thou wilt, a year; if thou wilt, years. For it is said of this same, “And thy years shall not fail.” 104 Ps. cii. 27. But when is it called a day? When it is said to the Lord, “To-day have I begotten Thee.”105 Ps. ii. 7. From the eternal Father begotten, from eternity begotten, in eternity begotten: with no beginning, no bound, no space of breadth; because He is what is, because Himself is “He that Is.” This His name He told to Moses: “Thou shalt say unto them, He that Is hath sent me unto you.”106 Ex. iii. 14. Why speak then of “before Abraham”? why, before Noe? why, before Adam? Hear the Scripture: “Before the day-star have I begotten Thee.”107 Ps. cx. 3. In fine, before heaven and earth. Wherefore? Because “all things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made.”108 John i. 3. By this know ye the “fathers:” for they become fathers by acknowledging “That which is from the beginning.”
5. Scribo vobis, patres. Quare primo filii? Quia remittuntur vobis peccata per nomen ejus, et regeneramini in novam vitam, ideo filii. Patres quare? Quia cognovistis eum qui a principio est: principium enim ad paternitatem pertinet. Novus Christus in carne, sed antiquus in divinitate. Quam antiquus putamus? quot annorum? Putamusne major quam mater sua? Major plane quam mater: omnia enim per ipsum facta sunt (Joan. I, 3). Si omnia, et ipsam matrem antiquus fecit, de qua nasceretur novus. Putamusne ante matrem solam? Et ante avos matris antiquus. Avus matris ipsius Abraham; et Dominus dicit, Ante Abraham ego sum (Id. VIII, 58). Ante Abraham dicimus? Coelum et terra, antequam esset homo, facta sunt. Ante ista fuit Dominus, imo et est. Optime enim non ait, Ante Abraham ego fui; sed, Ante Abraham ego sum. Quod enim dicitur quia fuit, non est; et quod dicitur quia erit, nondum est: ille non novit nisi esse. Secundum quod Deus est, esse novit; fuisse et futurum esse non novit. Dies est ibi unus, sed sempiternus. Non ponunt illum diem in medio hesternus et crastinus: hesterno enim die finito, incipiens hodiernus venturo crastino finietur. Ille unus dies ibi est sine tenebris, sine nocte, sine spatiis, sine mensura, sine horis. Quod vis illum dic: si vis, dies est; si vis, annus est; si vis, anni sunt. Dictum est enim de ipso , Et anni tui non deficient (Psal. CI, 28). Quando autem dictus est dies? Quando dictum est Domino, Ego hodie genui te (Psal. II, 7). Ab aeterno Patre genitus, ex 1993 aeternitate genitus, in aeternitate genitus: nullo initio, nullo termino, nullo spatio latitudinis; quia est quod est, quia ipse est qui est. Hoc nomen suum dixit Moysi: Dices eis, Qui est, misit me ad vos (Exod. III, 14). Quid ergo ante Abraham? quid ante Noe? quid ante Adam? Audi Scripturam: Ante luciferum genui te (Psal. CIX, 3). Postremo ante coelum et terram. Quare? Quia omnia per ipsum facta sunt, et sine ipso factum est nihil (Joan. I, 3). Ideo patres agnoscite: patres enim fiunt agnoscendo quod est ab initio.