19. But it may also be thus understood, that we who have renounced the world, and have cast away its riches and pomps in the faith of spiritual grace, should only ask for ourselves food and support, since the Lord instructs us, and says, “Whosoever forsaketh not all that he hath, cannot be my disciple.”49 Luke xiv. 33. But he who has begun to be Christ’s disciple, renouncing all things according to the word of his Master, ought to ask for his daily food, and not to extend the desires of his petition to a long period, as the Lord again prescribes, and says, “Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow itself shall take thought for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.”50 Matt. vi. 34. With reason, then, does Christ’s disciple ask food for himself for the day, since he is prohibited from thinking of the morrow; because it becomes a contradiction and a repugnant thing for us to seek to live long in this world, since we ask that the kingdom of God should come quickly. Thus also the blessed apostle admonishes us, giving substance and strength to the stedfastness of our hope and faith: “We brought nothing,” says he, “into this world, nor indeed can we carry anything out. Having therefore food and raiment, let us be herewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many and hurtful lusts, which drown men in perdition and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have made shipwreck from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”51 1 Tim. vi. 7.
XIX. Potest vero et sic intelligi, ut qui saeculo renuntiavimus, et divitias ejus et pompas fide gratiae spiritalis abjecimus, cibum nobis tantum petamus et victum, quando instruat Dominus et dicat: Qui non 0532Brenuntiat omnibus quae sunt ejus, non potest meus discipulus esse (Luc. XIV, 33). Qui autem Christi coepit esse discipulus, secundum magistri sui vocem renuntians omnibus, diurnum debet cibum petere nec in 0533A longum desideria petitionis extendere, ipso iterum Domino praescribente et dicente: Nolite in crastinum cogitare; crastinus enim ipse cogitabit sibi: sufficitdiei malitia sua (Matth. VI, 54). Merito ergo Christi discipulus victum sibi in diem postulat, qui de crastino cogitare prohibetur; quia et contrarium sibi fit et repugnans ut quaeramus in saeculo diu vivere, qui petimus regnum Dei velociter advenire. Sic et beatus Apostolus monet, formans et corroborans spei nostrae ac fidei firmitatem: Nihil, inquit, intulimus in hunc mundum, verum nec auferre possumus. Habentes itaque exhibitionem et tegumentum, his contenti simus. Qui autem volunt divites fieri, incidunt in tentationem et muscipulam et desideria multa et nocentia, quae mergunt hominem in perditionem et in interitum. Radix enim 0533Bomnium malorum est cupiditas; quam quidam appetentes, naufragaverunt a fide et inseruerunt se doloribus multis. (I Tim. VI, 7-10).