Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale544
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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Conventiones 579
2. Compete à Santa Sé o direito de criar, modificar e extinguir Provı́ncias
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Conventiones 581
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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Conventiones 597
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Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei 599
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Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei 601
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Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei 603
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Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum 605
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Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum 609
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Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione 615
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 565
grow. Yet not infrequently, the revision of liturgical forms has remained at
an external level, and « active participation » has been confused with external
activity. Hence much still remains to be done on the path of real liturgical
renewal. In a changed world, increasingly fixated on material things, we must
learn to recognize anew the mysterious presence of the Risen Lord, which
alone can give breadth and depth to our life.
The Eucharist is the worship of the whole Church, but it also requires the
full engagement of each individual Christian in the Church's mission; it
contains a call to be the holy people of God, but also one to individual
holiness; it is to be celebrated with great joy and simplicity, but also as
worthily and reverently as possible; it invites us to repent of our sins, but
also to forgive our brothers and sisters; it binds us together in the Spirit,
but it also commands us in the same Spirit to bring the good news of
salvation to others.
Moreover, the Eucharist is the memorial of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross,
his body and blood given in the new and eternal covenant for the forgiveness
of sins and the transformation of the world. Ireland has been shaped by the
Mass at the deepest level for centuries, and by its power and grace genera-
tions of monks, martyrs and missionaries have heroically lived the faith at
home and spread the Good News of God's love and forgiveness well beyond
your shores. You are the heirs to a Church that has been a mighty force for
good in the world, and which has given a profound and enduring love of
Christ and his blessed Mother to many, many others. Your forebears in the
Church in Ireland knew how to strive for holiness and constancy in their
personal lives, how to preach the joy that comes from the Gospel, how to
promote the importance of belonging to the universal Church in communion
with the See of Peter, and how to pass on a love of the faith and Christian
virtue to other generations. Our Catholic faith, imbued with a radical sense of
God's presence, caught up in the beauty of his creation all around us, and
purified through personal penance and awareness of God's forgiveness, is a
legacy that is surely perfected and nourished when regularly placed on the
Lord's altar at the sacrifice of the Mass. Thankfulness and joy at such a great
history of faith and love have recently been shaken in an appalling way by
the revelation of sins committed by priests and consecrated persons against
people entrusted to their care. Instead of showing them the path towards
Christ, towards God, instead of bearing witness to his goodness, they abused
people and undermined the credibility of the Church's message. How are we