21. Confession is the beginning of glory, not the full desert of the crown; nor does it perfect our praise, but it initiates our dignity; and since it is written, “He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved,”58 Matt. x. 22. whatever has been before the end is a step by which we ascend to the summit of salvation, not a terminus wherein the full result of the ascent is already gained. He is a confessor; but after confession his peril is greater, because the adversary is more provoked. He is a confessor; for this cause he ought the more to stand on the side of the Lord’s Gospel, since he has by the Gospel attained glory from the Lord. For the Lord says, “To whom much is given, of him much shall be required; and to whom more dignity is ascribed, of him more service is exacted.”59 Luke xii. 48. Let no one perish by the example of a confessor; let no one learn injustice, let no one learn arrogance, let no one learn treachery, from the manners of a confessor. He is a confessor, let him be lowly and quiet; let him be in his doings modest with discipline, so that he who is called a confessor of Christ may imitate Christ whom he confesses. For since He says, “Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, and he who humbleth himself shall be exalted;”60 Luke xviii. 14. and since He Himself has been exalted by the Father, because as the Word, and the strength, and the wisdom of God the Father, He humbled Himself upon earth, how can He love arrogance, who even by His own law enjoined upon us humility, and Himself received the highest name from the Father as the reward of His humility? He is a confessor of Christ, but only so if the majesty and dignity of Christ be not afterwards blasphemed by him. Let not the tongue which has confessed Christ be evil-speaking; let it not be turbulent, let it not be heard jarring with reproaches and quarrels, let it not after words of praise, dart forth serpents’ venom against the brethren and God’s priests. But if one shall have subsequently been blameworthy and obnoxious; if he shall have wasted his confession by evil conversation; if he shall have stained his life by disgraceful foulness; if, finally, forsaking the Church in which he has become a confessor, and severing the concord of unity, he shall have exchanged his first faith for a subsequent unbelief, he may not flatter himself on account of his confession that he is elected to the reward of glory, when from this very fact his deserving of punishment has become the greater.
XXI. Confessio exordium gloriae est, non meritum jam coronae; nec perficit laudem, sed initiat dignitatem. Cumque scriptum sit, Qui perseveraverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit (Matth. X, 22), quidquid ante finem fuerit gradus est quo ad fastigium salutis ascenditur, non terminus quo jam culminis summa teneatur. Confessor est; sed post confessionem periculum majus est, quia plus adversarius provocatus est: confessor 0515C est; hoc magis stare debet cum Domini Evangelio per Evangelium gloriam consecutus a Domino. Ait enim Dominus: Cui multum datur, multum quaeritur ab eo; et cui plus dignitatis adscribitur, plus de illo exigitur servitutis (Luc. XII, 48). Nemo per confessoris exemplum pereat, nemo injustitiam, nemo insolentiam, nemo perfidiam de confessoris moribus discat. Confessor est. Sit humilis et quietus, sit in 0516A actu suo cum disciplina modestus; ut qui Christi confessor dicitur, Christum quem confitetur imitetur. Nam, cum dicat ille: Qui se extollit humiliabitur, et qui humiliat se exaltabitur (Luc. XVIII, 14), et ipse a Patre exaltatus sit, quia se in terris Sermo et Virtus et Sapientia Dei Patris humiliavit, quomodo potest extollentiam diligere qui et nobis humilitatem sua lege mandavit, et ipse a Patre amplissimum nomen praemio humilitatis accepit? Confessor est Christi, sed si non postea blasphemetur per ipsum majestas et dignitas Christi. Lingua Christum confessa non sit maledica, non sit turbulenta, non conviciis et litibus perstrepens audiatur, non contra fratres et Dei sacerdotes, post verba laudis , serpentis venena jaculetur. Caeterum, si culpabilis et detestabilis postmodum 0516B fuerit, si confessionem suam mala conversatione prodegerit, si vitam suam turpi foeditate maculaverit, si, Ecclesiam denique, ubi confessor factus est, derelinquens et unitatis concordiam scindens, fidem primam perfidia posteriore mutaverit, blandiri sibi per confessionem non potest, quasi sit electus ad gloriae praemium, quando ex hoc ipso magis creverint merita poenarum.