21. To you let them give good health, to us bad, ay, the very worst. Let them water your farms with seasonable showers; from our little fields let them drive away all those rains which are gentle. Let them see to it that your sheep are multiplied by a numerous progeny; on our flocks let them bring luckless barrenness. From your olive-trees and vineyards let them bring the full harvest; but let them see to it that from not one shoot of ours one drop be expressed. Finally, and as their worst, let them give orders that in your mouth the products of the earth retain their natural qualities; but, on the contrary that in ours the honey become bitter, the flowing oil grow rancid, and that the wine when sipped, be in the very lips suddenly changed into disappointing vinegar.
XXI. Vobis secundas tribuant valetudines: adversas nobis, ac pessimas. Opportunis imbribus vestra irrigent rura: pluviarum quicumque sunt rores, nostris ab agellulis abigant. Lanitia curent vestra numerosis foetibus multiplicari, sterilitatem infaustam nostris pecuariis inferant. Ex olivis vestris atque vinetis plenam faciant autumnitatem fundi: at ex nostris exprimi unum prohibeant palmitis rorem . Ad extremum et ultimum, in vestro ore praecipiant suam fruges retinere naturam: at vero in nostro mel amarum fieri, olearum fluenta rancescere, et sub ipsis potum labris in acoris perfidiam vinum repente mutari.