21. Let no one, however, flatter himself, because there is for the present to us and to the profane, to God’s worshippers and to God’s opponents,33 Otherwise read, “to us the worshippers of God, and to His profane opponents.” by reason of the equality of the flesh and body, a common condition of worldly troubles, in such a way as to think from this, that all those things which happen are not drawn down by you; since by the announcement of God Himself, and by prophetic testimony, it has previously been foretold that upon the unjust should come the wrath of God, and that persecutions which humanly would hurt us should not be wanting; but, moreover, that vengeance, which should defend with heavenly defence those who were hurt, should attend them.
XXI. Nemo itaque sibi blandiatur quod nobis et profanis Dei cultoribus et Deo adversantibus sit interim, per aequalitatem carnis et corporis, laborum saecularium conditio communis, ut ex hoc opinetur non omnia ista quae accidunt vobis irrogari, cum Dei ipsius praedicatione et prophetica contestatione ante praedictum sit venturam super injustos iram Dei et persecutiones quae nos humanitus laederent non defuturas, sed et ultiones quae laesos divinitus defenderent secuturas.