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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
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Ad Sessionem Legatorum Consilii Europae.*
Mr President,
Dear members of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe,
I am very grateful to the Honourable Mr Çavuşoğlu for the kind words he
addressed to me on behalf of the Bureau and I extend to all of you a cordial
welcome. I am happy to receive you on the sixtieth anniversary of the Euro-
pean Convention on Human Rights which, as is well known, commits Mem-
ber States of the Council of Europe to promote and defend the inviolable
dignity of the human person.
I know that the Parliamentary Assembly has on its agenda important
topics that deal above all with persons who live in particularly difficult
situations or are subjected to grave violations of their dignity. I have in mind
people afflicted with handicaps, children who suffer violence, immigrants,
refugees, those who pay the most for the present economic and financial
crisis, those who are victims of extremism or of new forms of slavery such
as human trafficking, the illegal drug trade and prostitution. Your work also
is concerned with victims of warfare and with people who live in fragile
democracies. I have also been informed of your efforts to defend religious
freedom and to oppose violence and intolerance against believers in Europe
and worldwide.
Keeping in mind the context of today's society in which different peoples
and cultures come together, it is imperative to develop the universal validity
of these rights as well as their inviolability, inalienability and indivisibility.
On different occasions I have pointed out the risks associated with rela-
tivism in the area of values, rights and duties. If these were to lack an
objective rational foundation, common to all peoples, and were based exclu-
sively on particular cultures, legislative decisions or court judgements, how
could they offer a solid and long-lasting ground for supranational institutions
* Die 8 Septembris 2010.