7. A . Behold I have prayed to God. R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R A
13. When therefore the mind has come to have sound eyes, what next? A. That she look. R.
21. R. We have pain of body left, which perhaps moves thee of its proper force. A. R.
7. R. Give now still greater heed. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
8. R. Define therefore the True. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
19. R. What then think you? Is the science of debate true, or false? A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
22. R. Attend therefore to the few things that remain. A. R. A. R. A.
24. R. Groan not, the human mind is immortal. A. R. A. R. A. R.
32. R. What sayest thou concerning the rest? A. R. A R. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
24. And, another day having come, A. Give now, I pray, if thou canst, that order. Lead by what way thou wilt, through what things thou wilt, how thou wilt. Lay on me things ever so hard, ever so strenuous, and, if only they are within my power, I doubt not that I shall perform them if only I may thereby arrive whither I long to be. R. There is only one thing which I can teach thee; I know nothing more. These things of sense are to be utterly eschewed, and the utmost caution is to be used, lest while we bear about this body, our pinions should be impeded by the viscous distilments of earth, seeing we need them whole and perfect, if we would fly from this darkness into that supernal Light: which deigns not even to show itself to those shut up in this cage of the body, unless they have been such that whether it were broken down or worn out it would be their native airs into which they escaped. Therefore, whenever thou shalt have become such that nothing at all of earthly things delights thee, at that very moment, believe me, at that very point of time thou wilt see what thou desirest. A. When shall that be, I entreat thee? For I think not that I am able to attain to this supreme contempt, unless I shall have seen that in comparison with which these things are worthless.
CAPUT XIV. Ipsa sapientia medetur oculis ut videri possit.
24. A. Et alio die: Da, quaeso, inquam, jam si potes, illum ordinem. Duc, age qua vis, per quae vis, quomodo vis. Impera quaevis dura, quaelibet ardua, quae tamen in mea potestate sint, per quae me quo desidero, perventurum esse non dubitem. R. Unum est quod tibi possum praecipere nihil plus novi. Penitus esse ista sensibilia fugienda , cavendumque magnopere, dum hoc corpus agimus, ne quo eorum visco pennae nostrae impediantur, quibus integris perfectisque opus est, ut ad illam lucem ab his tenebris evolemus: quae se ne ostendere quidem dignatur in hac cavea inclusis, nisi tales fuerint ut ista vel effracta vel dissoluta possint in auras suas evadere. Itaque, quando fueris talis ut nihil te prorsus terrenorum delectet, mihi crede, eodem momento, eodem puncto temporis videbis quod cupis. A. Quando istud erit, oro te? Non enim puto posse mihi haec in summum venire contemptum, nisi videro illud in cujus comparatione ista sordescant.