23. Look, therefore,40 Or, according to some readings, “Be wise, therefore.” while there is time, to the true and eternal salvation; and since now the end of the world is at hand, turn your minds to God, in the fear of God; nor let that powerless and vain dominion in the world over the just and meek delight you, since in the field, even among the cultivated and fruitful corn, the tares and the darnel have dominion. Nor say ye that ill fortunes happen because your gods are not worshipped by us; but know that this is the judgment of God’s anger, that He who is not acknowledged on account of His benefits may at least be acknowledged through His judgments. Seek the Lord even late; for long ago, God, forewarning by His prophet, exhorts and says, “Seek ye the Lord, and your soul shall live.”41 Amos v. 6. Know God even late; for Christ at His coming admonishes and teaches this, saying, “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”42 John xvii. 3. Believe Him who deceives not at all. Believe Him who foretold that all these things should come to pass. Believe Him who will give to all that believe the reward of eternal life. Believe Him who will call down on them that believe not, eternal punishments in the fires of Gehenna.
XXIII. Respicite itaque, dum tempus est, ad veram 0561B et aeternam salutem; et quia jam mundi finis in proximo est, ad Deum mentes vestras Dei timore convertite. Nec vos delectet in saeculo inter justos et mites impotens ista et vana dominatio, quando et in agro inter cultas et fertiles segetes lolium et avena dominetur. Nec dicatis mala accidere quia dii vestri a nobis non colantur, sed sciatis hanc irae Dei esse censuram, ut qui beneficiis non intelligitur, vel plagis intelligatur. Deum vel sero quaerite, quia jam pridem per Prophetam Deus praemonens hortatur et dicit: Quaerite Deum, et vivet anima vestra (Psal. LXVIII, 33). Deum vel sero cognoscite, quia Christus adveniens hoc admonet et docet dicens: Haec est autem vita aeterna, ut cognoscant te solum verum Deum et quem misisti Jesum Christum (Joan. XVII, 3). Credite illi 0561C qui omnino non fallit; credite illi qui haec omnia futura praedixit; credite illi qui credentibus praemium vitae aeternae dabit; credite illi qui incredulis aeterna supplicia gehennae ardoribus irrogabit.