23. I indeed desire, beloved brethren, and I equally endeavour and exhort, that if it be possible, none of the brethren should perish, and that our rejoicing Mother may enclose in her bosom the one body of a people at agreement. Yet if wholesome counsel cannot recall to the way of salvation certain leaders of schisms and originators of dissensions, who abide in blind and obstinate madness, yet do you others, if either taken in simplicity, or induced by error, or deceived by some craftiness of misleading cunning, loose yourselves from the nets of deceit, free your wandering steps from errors, acknowledge the straight way of the heavenly road. The word of the witnessing apostle is: “We command you,” says he, “in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from all brethren that walk disorderly, and not after the tradition that they have received from us.”62 2 Thess. iii. 6. And again he says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them.”63 Eph. v. 6. We must withdraw, nay rather must flee, from those who fall away, lest, while any one is associated with those who walk wickedly, and goes on in ways of error and of sin, he himself also, wandering away from the path of the true road, should be found in like guilt. God is one, and Christ is one, and His Church is one, and the faith is one, and the people64 “is one.” is joined into a substantial unity of body by the cement of concord. Unity cannot be severed; nor can one body be separated by a division of its structure, nor torn into pieces, with its entrails wrenched asunder by laceration. Whatever has proceeded from the womb cannot live and breathe in its detached condition, but loses the substance of health.
XXIII. Opto equidem, dilectissimi fratres, et consulo pariter et suadeo ut, si fieri potest, nemo de fratribus pereat et consentientis populi corpus unum gremio suo gaudens mater includat . Si tamen quosdam schismatum duces et dissensionis auctores, in caeca et obstinata dementia permanentes, non potuerit ad salutis viam consilium salubre revocare, caeteri tamen vel simplicitate capti, vel errore inducti, vel aliqua fallentis astutiae calliditate decepti, a fallaciae 0517B vos laqueis solvite, vagantes gressus ab erroribus liberate, iter rectum viae coelestis agnoscite. Contestantis Apostoli vox est: Praecipimus vobis, inquit, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi ut recedatis ab omnibus fratribus ambulantibus inordinate et non secundum traditionem quam acceperunt a nobis (II Thess. III, 6). Et iterum dicit: Nemo vos decipiat inanibus verbis. Propterea enim venit ira Dei super filios contumaciae . Nolite ergo esse participes eorum (Ephes. V, 6, 7). Recedendum est a delinquentibus, vel immo fugiendum, ne, dum quis male ambulantibus jungitur, et per itinera erroris et criminis graditur, a via veri itineris exerrans, pari crimine et ipse teneatur. Deus unus est, et Christus unus, et una Ecclesia ejus, et fides una, et plebs una in solidam corporis unitatem 0517C concordiae glutino copulata. Scindi unitas non potest, nec corpus unum discidio compaginis separari, divulsis laceratione visceribus, in frustra discerpi. Quidquid a matrice discesserit, seorsum vivere et spirare non poterit, substantiam salutis amittit.