The Festal Letters, and their Index.
B.—The Festal Letters, and Their Index,
*XII.— (Probably for 340 a.d.) To the Beloved Brother, and our fellow Minister Serapion .
From Letter XXII .— (For 350.)
From Letter XXIV .— (For 352.)
From Letter XXVIII .— (For 356.)
From Letter XLIII.— (For 371.)
Letter XLVII.— To the Church of Alexandria on the same occasion.
Letter XLVIII.— Letter to Amun . Written before 354 a.d.
Letter XLIX.— Letter to Dracontius . Written a.d. 354 or 355.
Letter L.— First Letter to Lucifer .
Letter LI.— Second Letter to Lucifer.
Letter LII.— First Letter to Monks . (Written 358–360).
Letter LIII.— Second Letter to Monks.
Letter LIV.— To Serapion, concerning the death of Arius.
Letter LV.— Letter to Rufinianus.
Letter LVI.— To the Emperor Jovian.
Letter LVII.— First Letter to Orsisius .
Letter LVIII.— Second Letter to Orsisius .
Letter LX.— To Adelphius , Bishop and Confessor: against the Arians.
Letter LXI.— Letter to Maximus. (Written about 371 a.d.)
Letter LXII.— To John and Antiochus .
Letter LXIII.— Letter to the Presbyter Palladius .
From Letter XXIX718 If these fragments are authentic, the statement in the Index, that this year no letter could be sent, is an error..—(For 357.) From the twenty-ninth Letter, of which the beginning is, ‘Sufficient for this present time is that which we have already written.’
The Lord proved the disciples719 Mark iv. 37–41, when He was asleep on the pillow, at which time a miracle was wrought, which is especially calculated to put even the wicked to shame. For when He arose, and rebuked the sea, and silenced the storm, He plainly shewed two things; that the storm of the sea was not from the winds, but from fear of its Lord Who walked upon it, and that the Lord Who rebuked it was not a creature, but rather its Creator, since a creature is not obedient to another creature. For although the Red Sea was divided before by Moses720 Exod. xiv. 21., yet it was not Moses who did it, for it came to pass, not because he spoke, but because God commanded. And if the sun stood still in Gibeon721 Josh. x. 12., and the moon in the valley of Ajalon, yet this was the work, not of the son of Nun, but of the Lord, Who heard his prayer. He it was Who both rebuked the sea, and on the cross caused the sun to be darkened722 Matt. xxvii. 45..