Kyaikmayaw, Chaungson, Paung, Beelin et Thaton. Novae ecclesialis com-
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a separação entre irmãos pertencentes à mesma nação, por causa de ideolo-
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of the Lord's sacrifice. I thank the President of CEAST, Archbishop Damião
Franklin, for his kind words of welcome, and, in the person of their Pastors, I
greet all the faithful in the nations of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique,
Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
Today's first reading has a particular resonance for God's people in An-
gola. It is a message of hope addressed to the Chosen People in the land of
their Exile, a summons to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Lord's Temple.
Its vivid description of the destruction and ruin caused by war echoes the
personal experience of so many people in this country amid the terrible
ravages of the civil war. How true it is that war can "destroy everything
of value": 2 families, whole communities, the fruit of men's labour, the hopes
which guide and sustain their lives and work! This experience is all too
familiar to Africa as a whole: the destructive power of civil strife, the descent
into a maelstrom of hatred and revenge, the squandering of the efforts of
generations of good people. When God's word - a word meant to build up
individuals, communities and the whole human family - is neglected, and
when God's law is "ridiculed, despised, laughed at",3 the result can only be
destruction and injustice: the abasement of our common humanity and the
betrayal of our vocation to be sons and daughters of a merciful Father,
brothers and sisters of his beloved Son.
So let us draw comfort from the consoling words which we have heard in
the first reading! The call to return and rebuild God's Temple has a particular
meaning for each of us. Saint Paul, the two thousandth anniversary of whose
birth we celebrate this year, tells us that "we are the temple of the living
God".4 God dwells, we know, in the hearts of all who put their faith in Christ,
who are reborn in Baptism and are made temples of the Holy Spirit. Even
now, in the unity of the Body of Christ which is the Church, God is calling us
to acknowledge the power of his presence within us, to reappropriate the gift
of his love and forgiveness, and to become messengers of that merciful love
within our families and communities, at school and in the workplace, in every
sector of social and political life.
3 0 O t t o b r e 2 0 0 9 - 0 9 : 3 6 p a g i n a 2 8 2 e : / 0 6 9 1 _ 9/L a v o r o/Ac t a _Ap r i l e _ 9 . 3 d GRECCO
2 Cfr. 2 Chr 36, 19. 3 Ibid., v. 16. 4 2 Cor 6, 16.