24. It is a pious saying that the Father is not limited by times: for the true meaning of the name of Father which He bore before time began surpasses comprehension. Although religion teaches us to ascribe to Him this name of Father through which comes the impassible origin of the Son, yet He is not bound in time, for the eternal and infinite God cannot be understood as having become a Father in time, and according to the teaching of the Gospel the Only-begotten God the Word is recognized even in the beginning rather to be with God than to be born.
XI. “And if any one says that the Father is older in time than His Only-begotten Son, and that the Son is younger than the Father: let him be anathema.”
24. Pater non intra tempora. Filium magis jam esse quam nasci docet Evangelium.---Pia professio est, Patrem non intra tempora contineri: omnem enim intelligentiae sensum excedit intemporalis paterni nominis veritas. Etsi ipsa paterni nominis, per quod impassibilis origo nascentis est, religiosa confessio est: non tamen tenetur in tempore; quia non potest aeternus et infinitus Deus pater intelligi temporalis, et secundum evangelicam praedicationem cognoscitur unigenitus Deus Verbum magis jam in principio apud Deum esse, quam nasci.
XI. «Et si quis seniorem tempore Patrem dicat 0499B Filio ex se unigenito, juniorem autem Filium Patre : anathema sit.»