24. The fifth book follows in reply the sequence of heretical assertion. They had falsely declared that they followed the law in the sense which they assigned to the unity of God, and that they had proved from it that the true God is of one Person; and this in order to rob the Lord Christ of His birth by their conclusion concerning the One true God, for birth is the evidence of origin. In answer I assert, step by step, what they deny; for from the Law and the Prophets I demonstrate that there are not two gods, nor one isolated true God, neither perverting the faith in the Divine unity nor denying the birth of Christ. And since they say that the Lord Jesus Christ, created rather than born, bears the Divine Name by gift and not by right, I have proved His true Divinity from the Prophets in such a way that, He being acknowledged very God, the assurance of His inherent Godhead shall hold us fast to the certainty that God is One.
24. Liber quintus.---Quintus vero tenuit eum responsionis ordinem, quem haeretici instituerant professionis. Namque cum unum Deum praedicare se secundum legem ementiti essent; unum quoque Deum verum ex eadem proferre se fefellerunt: ut per exceptionem Dei et unius et veri, nativitatem Domino Christo adimerent; quia ubi nativitas est, ibi et intelligentia sit veritatis. Nos autem iisdem 0040B gradibus, quibus idipsum negabatur, docentes, nec duos deos, nec solitarium verum 16 Deum, sed Patrem verum Deum ita ex lege ac prophetis praedicavimus, ne aut unius Dei fidem corrumperemus, aut nativitatem denegaremus. Sed quia, secundum illos, creato potiusquam nato nomen Dei Domino Jesu Christo deputaretur potius quam inesset; divinitatis veritas ita ex auctoritatibus propheticis demonstrata est, ut nos, Domino Jesu Christo Deo vero praedicato, intra intelligentiam unius Dei veri nativae in eo divinitatis veritas contineret.