Chapter XXVI.—Of the Parting of Brethren.
You will not dismiss a brother who has entered your house without prayer.—“Have you seen,” says Scripture, “a brother? you have seen your Lord;”172 I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.” But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make173 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice. earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept174 Luke x. 5.—say, “Peace to this house,” unless you exchange mutual peace with them who are in the house?
Fratrem domum tuam introgressum ne sine oratione dimiseris. Vidisti, inquit, fratrem , vidisti Dominum tuum: maxime advenam, ne angelus forte sit. Sed nec ipse a fratribus exemptis priora fecerit refrigeria terrena coelestibus. Statim enim judicabitur 1194A fides tua. Aut quomodo secundum praeceptum pax huic domui (Luc., X, 5) dices, nisi et eis, qui in domo sunt, pacem mutuam reddas?