Chapter XXVI.
Examine then, and see if He be not the dispenser of kingdoms, who is Lord at once of the world which is ruled, and of man himself who rules; if He have not ordained the changes of dynasties, with their appointed seasons, who was before all time, and made the world a body of times; if the rise and the fall of states are not the work of Him, under whose sovereignty the human race once existed without states at all. How do you allow yourselves to fall into such error? Why, the Rome of rural simplicity is older than some of her gods; she reigned before her proud, vast Capitol was built. The Babylonians exercised dominion, too, before the days of the Pontiffs; and the Medes before the Quindecemvirs; and the Egyptians before the Salii; and the Assyrians before the Luperci; and the Amazons before the Vestal Virgins. And to add another point: if the religions of Rome give empire, ancient Judea would never have been a kingdom, despising as it did one and all these idol deities; Judea, whose God you Romans once honoured with victims, and its temple with gifts, and its people with treaties; and which would never have been beneath your sceptre but for that last and crowning offence against God, in rejecting and crucifying Christ.
Videte igitur ne ille regna dispenset , cujus est et orbis qui regnatur, et homo ipse qui regnat; ne 0432A ille vices dominationum ipsis temporibus in saeculo ordinarit, qui ante omne tempus fuit et saeculum corpus temporum fecit; ne ille civitates extollat aut deprimat. Sub quo fuit aliquando sine civitatibus genus hominum ? Quid erratis? prior est quibusdam diis suis silvestris Roma; ante regnavit quam tantum ambitum Capitolii exstrueret . Regnaverunt et Babylonii ante pontifices , et Medi ante quindecimviros, et Aegyptii ante Salios, et Assyrii ante Lupercos, et Amazones ante virgines Vestales. Postremo, si Romanae religiones regna praestant, numquam retro Judaea regnasset despectrix communium istarum divinitatum, cujus et deum victimis, et templum donis, et gentem foederibus aliquamdiu Romani honorastis, numquam dominaturi 0432B ejus, si non ultimo deliquisset in Christum .