25. Provide, therefore, while you may, for your safety and your life. We offer you the wholesome help of our mind and advice. And because we may not hate, and we please God more by rendering no return for wrong, we exhort you while you have the power, while there yet remains to you something of life, to make satisfaction to God, and to emerge from the abyss of darkling superstition45 “From the deep and darkling night of superstition” is another reading. into the bright light of true religion. We do not envy your comforts, nor do we conceal the divine benefits. We repay kindness for your hatred; and for the torments and penalties which are inflicted on us, we point out to you the ways of salvation. Believe and live, and do ye who persecute us in time rejoice with us for eternity. When you have once departed thither, there is no longer any place for repentance, and no possibility of making satisfaction. Here life is either lost or saved; here eternal safety is provided for by the worship of God and the fruits of faith. Nor let any one be restrained either by his sins or by his years from coming to obtain salvation. To him who still remains in this world no repentance is too late. The approach to God’s mercy is open, and the access is easy to those who seek and apprehend the truth. Do you entreat for your sins, although it be in the very end of life, and at the setting of the sun of time; and implore God, who is the one and true God, in confession and faith of acknowledgment of Him, and pardon is granted to the man who confesses, and saving mercy is given from the divine goodness to the believer, and a passage is opened to immortality even in death itself. This grace Christ bestows; this gift of His mercy He confers upon us, by overcoming death in the trophy of the cross, by redeeming the believer with the price of His blood, by reconciling man to God the Father, by quickening our mortal nature with a heavenly regeneration. If it be possible, let us all follow Him; let us be registered in His sacrament and sign. He opens to us the way of life; He brings us back to paradise; He leads us on to the kingdom of heaven. Made by Him the children of God, with Him we shall ever live; with Him we shall always rejoice, restored by His own blood. We Christians shall be glorious together with Christ, blessed of God the Father, always rejoicing with perpetual pleasures in the sight of God, and ever giving thanks to God. For none can be other than always glad and grateful, who, having been once subject to death, has been made secure in the possession of immortality.46 [Compare the Octavius of Minucius Felix with this treatise, and also the other apologists, e.g., vol. ii. 93.]
XXV. Securitati igitur et vitae, dum licet, providete. Offerimus vobis animi et consilii nostri salutare 0562C munus. Et quia odisse non licet nobis, et sic Deo plus placemus dum nullam pro injuria vicem reddimus, hortamur, dum facultas adest, dum adhuc aliquid de saeculo superest, Deo satisfacere et ad verae religionis candidam lucem de profundo tenebrosae superstitionis emergere. Non invidemus commodis vestris, nec beneficia divina celamus. Odiis vestris benevolentiam reddimus, et pro tormentis ac suppliciis quae nobis inferentur 0563A salutis itinera monstramus. Credite et vivite; et qui nos ad tempus persequimini, in aeternum gaudete nobiscum. Quando istinc excessum fuerit, nullus jam poenitentiae locus est, nullus satisfactionis effectus. Hic vita aut amittitur aut tenetur; hic saluti aeternae cultu Dei et fructu fidei providetur. Nec quisquam aut peccatis retardetur aut annis quominus veniat ad consequendam salutem: in isto adhuc mundo manenti poenitentia nulla sera est; patet ad indulgentiam Dei aditus, et quaerentibus atque intelligentibus veritatem facilis accessus est. Tu, sub ipso licet exitu et vitae temporalis occasu, pro delictis roges et Deum, qui unus et verus est, confessione et fide agnitionis ejus implores, venia confitenti datur, et credenti indulgentia salutaris de divina pietate conceditur, et 0563B ad immortalitatem sub ipsa morte transitur. Hanc 0564A gratiam Christus impertit, hoc munus misericordiae suae tribuit, subigendo mortem trophaeo crucis, redimendo credentem pretio sanguinis sui, reconciliando hominem Deo Patri, vivificando mortalem regeneratione coelesti. Hunc, si fieri potest, sequamur omnes, hujus sacramento et signo censeamur. Hic nobis viam vitae aperit, hic ad paradisum reduces facit, hic ad coelorum regna perducit. Cum ipso semper vivemus, facti per ipsum filii Dei; cum ipso semper exultabimus, ipsius cruore reparati. Erimus Christiani cum Christo simul gloriosi, de Deo Patre beati, de perpetua voluptate laetantes semper in conspectu Dei, et agentes Deo gratias semper. Neque enim poterit nisi laetus esse semper et gratus , qui, cum morti fuisset obnoxius, factus est immortalitate 0564B securus.