Ep. XVI. To Eusebius, Bishop of Cæsarea.
Ep. XVII. To Eusebius, Archbishop of Cæsarea.
Ep. XVIII. To Eusebius of Cæsarea.
Ep. XLI. To the People of Cæsarea, in His Father’s Name.
Ep. XLII. To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata.
Ep. XLIX. To Basil. (The Praises of Quiet.)
Ep. LXIII. To Amphilochius the Elder.
Ep. CI. To Cledonius the Priest Against Apollinarius.
Ep. CII. Against Apollinarius The Second Letter to Cledonius.
Ep. CLIII. To Bosporius, Bishop of Colonia.
Ep. CLVII. To Theodore, Archbishop of Tyana.
Ep. CLXXI. To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium.
Ep. CXCVII. A Letter of Condolence on the Death of His Sister Theosebia.
Ep. LV.
An Invitation. You flee when I pursue you: perhaps in accordance with the laws of love, to make yourself more valuable. Come then, and fill up at last the loss I have suffered by your long delay. And if any home affairs detain you, you shall leave us again, and so make yourself more precious as an object of desire.
Φεύγεις διώκοντας ἴσως νόμοις ἐρωτικοῖς, ἵνα σεαυτὸν ποιῇς τιμιώτερον. Ἧκε οὖν καὶ νῦν τὴν τοῦ μακροῦ χρόνου ζημίαν ἀναπλήρωσον ἡμῖν. Καὶ εἴ τί σε τῶν αὐτόθι κατέχοι, πάλιν ἀφήσεις ἡμᾶς, ὡς ἂν σεμνότερος ᾖς πάλιν ποθούμενος.