Prefatory Remarks, by Valesius,
Chapter IX.— Constantine enacts a Law in favor of Celibates and of the Clergy .
Chapter X.— Concerning the Great Confessors who survived .
Chapter XI.— Account of St. Spyridon: His Modesty and Steadfastness .
Chapter XII.— On the Organization of the Monks: its Origin and Founders .
Chapter XIII.— About Antony the Great and St. Paul the Simple .
Chapter XIV.— Account of St. Ammon and Eutychius of Olympus .
Chapter XVII.— Of the Council convened at Nicæa on Account of Arius .
Chapter XIX.— When the Council was assembled, the Emperor delivered a Public Address.
Chapter IV.— What Constantine the Great effected about the Oak in Mamre he also built a Temple .
Chapter VII.— How the Iberians received the Faith of Christ .
Chapter VIII.— How the Armenians and Persians embraced Christianity .
Chapter X.— Christians slain by Sapor in Persia .
Chapter XI.— Pusices, Superintendent of the Artisans of Sapor .
Chapter XII.— Tarbula, the Sister of Symeon, and her Martyrdom .
Chapter XIII.— Martyrdom of St. Acepsimas and of his Companions .
Chapter XV.— Constantine writes to Sapor to stay the Persecution of the Christians .
Chapter XX.— Concerning Maximus, who succeeded Macarius in the See of Jerusalem .
Chapter XXII.— The Vain Machinations of the Arians and Melitians against St. Athanasius .
Chapter XXIII.— Calumny respecting St. Athanasius and the Hand of Arsenius .
Chapter XXV.— Council of Tyre Illegal Deposition of St. Athanasius .
Chapter XXX.— Account given by the Great Athanasius of the Death of Arius .
Chapter XXXIII.— Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra his Heresy and Deposition .
Chapter III.— Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, and Macedonius, the Pneumatomachian .
Chapter IV.— A Sedition was excited on the Ordination of Paul .
Chapter XV.— Didymus the Blind, and Aëtius the Heretic .
Chapter XVI.— Concerning St. Ephraim .
Chapter XXI.— Letter of Constantius to the Egyptians in behalf of Athanasius. Synod of Jerusalem .
Chapter XXII.— Epistle written by the Synod of Jerusalem in Favor of Athanasius .
Chapter III.— Martyrdom of the Holy Notaries .
Chapter IX.— Council of Milan. Flight of Athanasius .
Chapter XIV.— Letter of the Emperor Constantius against Eudoxius and his Partisans .
Chapter XVII.— Proceedings of the Council of Ariminum .
Chapter XVIII.— Letter from the Council at Ariminum to the Emperor Constantius .
Chapter XXII.— Council of Seleucia .
Chapter II.— The Life, Education, and Training of Julian, and his Accession to the Empire .
Chapter IX.— Martyrdom of the Saints Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno in the City of Gaza .
Chapter XIV.— The Partisans of Macedonius disputed with the Arians concerning Acacius .
Chapter III.— The Reign of Jovian he introduced Many Laws which he carried out in his Government .
Chapter VIII.— Election of Nectarius to the See of Constantinople his Birthplace and Education .
Chapter IX.— Decrees of the Second General Council. Maximus, the Cynical Philosopher .
Chapter XXI.— Discovery of the Honored Head of the Forerunner of our Lord, and the Events about it .
Chapter XXIV.— Victory of Theodosius the Emperor over Eugenius .
Chapter XXVI.— St. Donatus, Bishop of Eurœa, and Theotimus, High-Priest of Scythia .
Chapter XXVII.— St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus, and a Particular Account of his Acts .
Chapter IV.— Enterprise of Gaïnas, the Gothic Barbarian. Evils which he perpetrated .
Chapter II.— Discovery of the Relics of Forty Holy Martyrs .
Chapter III.— The Virtues of Pulcheria Her Sisters .
Chapter IV.— Truce with Persia. Honorius and Stilicho. Transactions in Rome and Dalmatia .
Chapter VI.— Alaric the Goth. He assaulted Rome, and straitened it by War .
Chapter X.— A Roman Lady who manifested a Deed of Modesty .
Chapter XVII.— Discovery of the Relics of Zechariah the Prophet, and of Stephen the Proto-Martyr .
Chapter XXVII.— Concerning the Presbyter by whom Constantine was persuaded to recall Arius and Euzoïus from Exile; the Tractate concerning his Possibly Pious Faith, and how Arius was again received by the Synod assembled at Jerusalem .
The bishops who had embraced the sentiments of Arius found a favorable opportunity of restoring him and Euzoïus to communion,
by zealously striving to have a council in the city of Jerusalem. They effected their design in the following manner
Ruf. H. E. i. 11; Soc. i. 25, 26, 33.
A certain presbyter who was a great admirer of the Arian doctrines, was on terms of intimacy with the emperor’s sister. At first he concealed his sentiments; but as he frequently visited and became by degrees more familiar with Constantia, for such was the name of the sister of Constantine, he took courage to represent to her that Arius was unjustly exiled from his country, and cast out from the Church, through the jealousy and personal enmity of Alexander bishop of the Alexandrian Church. He said that his jealousy had been excited by the esteem which the people manifested towards Arius.
Constantia believed these representations to be true, yet took no steps in her lifetime to innovate upon the decrees of Nicæa.
Being attacked with a disease which threatened to terminate in death, she besought her brother, who went to visit her, to
grant what she was about to ask, as a last favor; this request was, to receive the above mentioned presbyter on terms of intimacy,
and to rely upon him as a man who had correct opinions about the Divinity. “For my part,” she added, “I am drawing nigh to
death, and am no longer interested in the concerns of this life; the only apprehension I now feel, arises from dread lest
you should incur the wrath of God and suffer any calamity, or the loss of your empire, since you have been induced to condemn
just and good men wrongfully to perpetual banishment.” From that period the emperor received the presbyter into favor, and
after permitting him to speak freely with him and to commune on the same topics concerning which his sister had given her
command, deemed necessary to subject the case of Arius to a fresh examination; it is probable that, in forming this decision,
the emperor was either influenced by a belief in the credibility of the attacks, or by the desire of gratifying his sister.
It was not long before he recalled Arius from exile,
This letter of the emperor is in Soc. i. 25.
and demanded of him a written exposition of his faith concerning the Godhead. Arius avoided making use of the new terms which
he had previously devised, and constructed another exposition by using simple terms, and such as were recognized by the sacred
Scriptures; he declared upon oath, that he held the doctrines set forth in this exposition, that he both felt these statements
ex animo and had no other thought than these. It was as follows:
Soc. i. 26, verbal variations. Both probably from Sabinus.
“Arius and Euzoïus, presbyters, to Constantine, our most pious emperor and most beloved of God.
“According as your piety, beloved of God, commanded, O sovereign emperor, we here furnish a written statement of our own faith, and we protest before God that we, and all those who are with us, believe what is here set forth.
“We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, and in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, who was begotten from Him before all ages, God the Word, by whom all things were made, whether things in heaven or things on earth; He came and took upon Him flesh, suffered and rose again, and ascended into heaven, whence He will again come to judge the quick and the dead.
“We believe in the Holy Ghost, in the resurrection of the body, in the life to come, in the kingdom of heaven, and in one Catholic Church of God, established throughout the earth. We have received this faith from the Holy Gospels, in which the Lord says to His disciples, ‘Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’ If we do not so believe this, and if we do not truly receive the doctrines concerning the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, as they are taught by the whole Catholic Church and by the sacred Scriptures, as we believe in every point, let God be our judge, both now and in the day which is to come. Wherefore we appeal to your piety, O our emperor most beloved of God, that, as we are enrolled among the members of the clergy, and as we hold the faith and thought of the Church and of the sacred Scriptures, we may be openly reconciled to our mother, the Church, through your peacemaking and pious piety; so that useless questions and disputes may be cast aside, and that we and the Church may dwell together in peace, and we all in common may offer the customary prayer for your peaceful and pious empire and for your entire family.”
Many considered this declaration of faith as an artful compilation, and as bearing the appearance of difference in expression,
while, in reality, it supported the doctrine of Arius; the terms in which it was couched being so vague that it was susceptible
of diverse interpretations. The emperor imagined that Arius and Euzoïus were of the same sentiments as the bishops of the
council of Nicæa, and was delighted over the affair. He did not, however, attempt to restore them to communion without the
judgment and approval of those who are, by the law of the Church, masters in these matters. He, therefore, sends them to the
bishops who were then assembled at Jerusalem, and wrote, desiring them to examine the declaration of faith submitted by Arius
and Euzoïus, and so to influence the Synod that, whether they found that their doctrine was orthodox, and that the jealousy
of their enemies had been the sole cause of their condemnation, or that, without having reason to blame those who had condemned
them, they had changed their minds, a humane decision might, in either case, be accorded them. Those who had long been zealous
for this, seized the opportunity under cover of the emperor’s letter, and received him into fellowship. They wrote immediately
to the emperor himself, to the Church of Alexandria, and to the bishops and clergy of Egypt, of Thebes, and of Libya, earnestly
exhorting them to receive Arius and Euzoïus into communion, since the emperor bore witness to the correctness of their faith,
in one of his own epistles, and since the judgment of the emperor had been confirmed by the vote of the Synod.
Ruf. H. E, i. 11; Soc. i. 33. For the letter of the Synod, cf. Athan. de Synodis,
21; a part is also given in Apol. cont. Arian. 84.
These were the subjects which were zealously discussed by the Synod of Jerusalem.