Chapter XXVII.—Of Subjoining a Psalm.
The more diligent in prayer are wont to subjoin in their prayers the “Hallelujah,”175 Perhaps “the great Hallelujah,” i.e. the last five psalms. and such kind of psalms, in the closes of which the company respond. And, of course, every institution is excellent which, for the extolling and honouring of God, aims unitedly to bring Him enriched prayer as a choice victim.176 [The author seems to have in mind (Hos. xiv. 2) “the calves of our lips.”]
Diligentiores in orando subjungere in orationibus Alleluia solent, et hoc genus psalmos, quorum clausulis respondeant, qui simul sunt. Et est optimum utique institutum omne, quod proponendo et honorando Deo competit, saturatam orationem velut optimam hostiam admovere.