27. Nor let those persons flatter themselves that they need repent the less, who, although they have not polluted their hands with abominable sacrifices, yet have defiled their conscience with certificates.66 [The kindly but unwise interposition of the confessors in their behalf. See vol. iii. p. 693, note 2.] That profession of one who denies, is the testimony of a Christian disowning what he had been. He says that he has done what another has actually committed; and although it is written, “Ye cannot serve two masters,”67 Matt. vi. 24. he has served an earthly master in that he has obeyed his edict; he has been more obedient to human authority than to God. It matters not whether he has published what he has done with less either of disgrace or of guilt among men. Be that as it may, he will not be able to escape and avoid God his judge, seeing that the Holy Spirit says in the Psalms, “Thine eyes did see my substance, that it was imperfect, and in Thy book shall all men be written.”68 Ps. cxxxix. 16. And again: “Man seeth the outward appearance, but God seeth the heart.”69 1 Sam. xvi. 7. The Lord Himself also forewarns and prepares us, saying, “And all the churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and the heart.”70 Apoc. ii. 23. He looks into the hidden and secret things, and considers those things which are concealed; nor can any one evade the eyes of the Lord, who says, “I am a God at hand, and not a God afar off. If a man be hidden in secret places, shall not I therefore see him? Do not I fill heaven and earth?”71 Jer. xxiii. 23. He sees the heart and mind of every person; and He will judge not alone of our deeds, but even of our words and thoughts. He looks into the minds, and the wills, and conceptions of all men, in the very lurking-places of the heart that is still closed up.
0487B XXVII. Nec sibi quominus agant poenitentiam blandiantur qui etsi nefandis sacrificiis manus non contaminaverunt, libellis tamen conscientiam polluerunt. Et illa professio denegantis contestatio est christiani quod fuerat abnuentis. Fecisse se dixit quidquid alius faciendo commisit. Cumque scriptum sit, Non potestis duobus dominis servire (Matth. VI, 24), servivit saeculari domino qui obtemperavit ejus edicto; magis obaudivit humano imperio quam Deo. Viderit an minore vel dedecore vel crimine apud homines publicaverit quod admisit. Deum tamen judicem fugere et vitare non poterit, cum dicat Spiritus sanctus in Psalmis: Quod est imperfectum meum viderunt oculi tui, et in libro tuo omnes scribentur (Psal. CXXXVIII, 16). Et iterum: Homo videt in facie, 0488A Deus autem in corde (I Reg. XVI, 7). Ipse quoque Dominus praemoneat et praestruat dicens: Et scient omnes ecclesiae quia ego sum scrutator renis et cordis (Apoc. II, 23). Perspicit ille abdita, et secreta atque occulta considerat. Nec Dei oculos potest aliquis evadere dicentis: Ego Deus approximans, et non Deus de longinquo. Si absconditus fuerit homo in absconditis, ego ergo non videbo eum ? Nonne coelum et terram ego impleo (Hier. XXIII, 23)? Videt ille corda et pectora singulorum, et judicaturus est, non tantum de factis, sed et de verbis et de cogitationibus nostris, omnium mentes voluntatesque conceptas in ipsis adhuc clausi pectoris latebris intuetur.