27. We have reviewed, beloved brethren, all the definitions of faith made by the Eastern bishops which they formulated in their assembly against the recently emerging heresy. And we, as far as we have been able, have adapted the wording of our exposition to express their meaning, following their diction rather than desiring to be thought the originators of new phrases. In these words they decree the principles of their conscience and a long maintained doctrine against a new and profane impiety. Those who compiled this heresy at Sirmium, or accepted it after its compilation, they have thereby compelled to confess their ignorance and to sign such decrees. There the Son is the perfect image of the Father: there under the qualities of an identical essence, the Person of the Son is not annihilated and confounded with the Father: there the Son is declared to be image of the Father in virtue of a real likeness, and does not differ in substance from the Father, whose image He is: there on account of the life which the Father has and the life which the Son has received, the Father can have nothing different in substance (this being implied in life) from that which the Son received to have: there the begotten Son is not a creature, but is a Person undistinguished from the Father’s nature: there, just as an identical might belongs to the Father and the Son, so their essence admits of no difference: there the Father by begetting the Son in no wise degenerates from Himself in Him through any difference of nature: there, though the likeness of nature is the same in each, the proper qualities which mark this likeness are repugnant to a confusion of Persons, so that there is not one subsisting Person who is called both Father and Son: there, though it is piously affirmed that there is both a Father who sends and a Son who is sent, yet no distinction in essence is drawn between the Father and the Son, the Sent and the Sender: there the truth of God’s Fatherhood is not bound by limits of time: there the Son is not later in time: there beyond all time is a perfect birth which refutes the error that the Son could not be born.
27. Definitionum harum ratio. Expositio qualis ab Hilario adhibita. A quibus earum subscriptio extorta. Harum synopsis.---Percucurrimus, charissimi Fratres, omnes Orientalium episcoporum editas fidei definitiones, quas adversum emergentem proxime haeresim, congregata intra se synodo condiderunt. Et nos, quantum potuimus, ad intelligentiae eorum sensum, expositionis nostrae sermonem coaptavimus, famulantes potius eorum dictis, quam dictorum alienorum auctores existimandi: quibus adversum novam et profanam impietatem, haec conscientiae suae et adeptae jam pridem doctrinae instituta decernunt, et eos, qui hanc apud Sirmium haeresim conscripserant, vel conscriptam susceperant, 0500C ignorationem confitentes ad subscriptionem decretorum talium coegerunt: ubi Filius Patris imago perfecta est: ubi sub indifferentis imaginis proprietate, per profanam fraudem Filius non aboletur, ut pater sit: ubi 477 imago Patris Filius praedicatus per similitudinis veritatem, a substantia Patris, cujus imago est, substantiae diversitate non differt: ubi per habitam a Patre vitam et acceptam a Filio vitam, nihil differens in substantia, quae significatur in vita, habeat Pater, quam Filius accepit ad habendum: ubi non creatura est Filius genitus, sed a natura Patris 0501A indiscreta substantia est: ubi sicut inter Patrem et Filium indifferens virtus est, ita nullam inter se diversitatem patiatur essentia: ubi Pater, generando Filium, nihil ex se in eo degenerat diversitate naturae: ubi quia nihil differat in utroque similitudo naturae, proprietas tamen similitudinis personalium nominum respuat unionem, ne subsistens unus sit, qui et Pater dicatur et filius: ubi quia pie dicitur et Pater mittens, et Filius missus; in nullo tamen inter Patrem et Filium, id est, inter missum atque mittentem discernatur essentia: ubi non intra tempora paterni nominis veritas continetur: ubi Filius Patri non est posterior in tempore: ubi ultra tempus omne perfecta nativitas innascibilitatis in se non admittit errorem.