The Festal Letters, and their Index.
B.—The Festal Letters, and Their Index,
*XII.— (Probably for 340 a.d.) To the Beloved Brother, and our fellow Minister Serapion .
From Letter XXII .— (For 350.)
From Letter XXIV .— (For 352.)
From Letter XXVIII .— (For 356.)
From Letter XLIII.— (For 371.)
Letter XLVII.— To the Church of Alexandria on the same occasion.
Letter XLVIII.— Letter to Amun . Written before 354 a.d.
Letter XLIX.— Letter to Dracontius . Written a.d. 354 or 355.
Letter L.— First Letter to Lucifer .
Letter LI.— Second Letter to Lucifer.
Letter LII.— First Letter to Monks . (Written 358–360).
Letter LIII.— Second Letter to Monks.
Letter LIV.— To Serapion, concerning the death of Arius.
Letter LV.— Letter to Rufinianus.
Letter LVI.— To the Emperor Jovian.
Letter LVII.— First Letter to Orsisius .
Letter LVIII.— Second Letter to Orsisius .
Letter LX.— To Adelphius , Bishop and Confessor: against the Arians.
Letter LXI.— Letter to Maximus. (Written about 371 a.d.)
Letter LXII.— To John and Antiochus .
Letter LXIII.— Letter to the Presbyter Palladius .
From Letter XL736 The following fragments are, except Letter 44, preserved in the original Greek, by Cosmas (Migne xxvi. 1440 sqq.)..—(For 368.)
‘Ye are they that have continued with Me in My temptations; and I appoint unto you a kingdom, as My Father hath appointed unto Me, that ye may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom737 Luke xxii. 28–30.’ Being called, then, to the great and heavenly Supper, in that upper room which has been swept, let us ‘cleanse ourselves,’ as the Apostle exhorted, ‘from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God738 2 Cor. vii. 1.;’ that so, being spotless within and without,—without, clothing ourselves with temperance and justice; within, by the Spirit, rightly dividing the word of truth—we may hear, ‘Enter into the joy of thy Lord739 Matt. xxv. 21..’