41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
28. Here, beloved brethren, is the entire creed which was published by some Easterns, few in proportion to the whole number of bishops, and which first saw light at the very times when you repelled the introduction of this heresy. The reason for its promulgation was the fact that they were bidden to say nothing of the ὁμοούσιον. But even in former times, through the urgency of these numerous causes, it was necessary at different occasions to compose other creeds, the character of which will be understood from their wording. For when you are fully aware of the results, it will be easier for us to bring to a full consummation, such as religion and unity demand, the argument in which we are interested.
An exposition of the faith of the Church made at the Council held on the occasion of the Dedication of the church at Antioch by ninety-seven bishops there present, because of suspicions felt as to the orthodoxy of a certain bishop18 The Council at Antioch of 341, generally known as the Dedication Council, assembled for the dedication of the great cathedral church which had been commenced there by the emperor Constantine, who did not live to see its completion. Four creeds were then drawn up, if we reckon a document which was drawn up at Antioch by a continuation of the Council in the following year. The second, and most important, of these creeds became the creed of the Semi-Nicene party. Capable of a wholly orthodox interpretation, it was insufficient of itself to repel Arianism, but not insufficient to be used as an auxiliary means of opposing it. Hilary throughout assumes that it is not to be interpreted in an Arian sense, and uses it as an introduction to Nicene theology.
0501B 28. Decreta quo tempore edita. Qua occasione, cur. Fides subinde aliae.---Et haec quidem, Fratres carissimi, omnis quae edita est fidei doctrina, per paucos juxta universitatis modum Orientales, sub his ipsis prope diebus, quibus vos ingestam haeresim respuistis, emersit: cujus exponendae ea fuit ratio, quod unius substantiae 478 silentium decernebatur. Sed jam superioribus diversisque temporibus, multis his causis postulantibus, fides alias necesse 0502A fuerit conscribi, quae quales sint, ex ipsis intelligetur. Omnibus enim quae ab iis gesta sunt cognitis, facilius tum et plenius earum rerum, de quibus inter nos quaestio est, absolutionem religiosam et unitati congruam afferemus.
Expositio (an. 341, edita) ecclesiasticae fidei, quae exposita est in synodo habita per Encaenias Antiochenae ecclesiae consummatae. Exposuerunt qui adfuerunt episcopi nonaginta septem, cum in suspicionem venisset unus ex episcopis quod prava sentiret.