Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale834
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renewal of hope. Is it not precisely this spirit that contemporary Europe
Europe is more than a continent. It is a home! And freedom finds its
deepest meaning in a spiritual homeland. With full respect for the distinction
between the political realm and that of religion - which indeed preserves the
freedom of citizens to express religious belief and live accordingly - I wish
to underline the irreplaceable role of Christianity for the formation of the
conscience of each generation and the promotion of a basic ethical consensus
that serves every person who calls this continent, "home"! In this spirit, I
acknowledge the voice of those who today, across this country and continent,
seek to apply their faith respectfully yet decisively in the public arena, in the
expectation that social norms and policies be informed by the desire to live
by the truth that sets every man and woman free.5
Fidelity to the peoples whom you serve and represent requires fidelity to
the truth which alone is the guarantee of freedom and integral human devel-
opment.6 Courage to articulate the truth in fact serves all members of society
by shedding light on the path of human progress, indicating its ethical and
moral foundations, and ensuring that public policy draws upon the treasury
of human wisdom. Sensibility to universal truth should never be eclipsed by
particular interests, important though they may be, for such would lead only
to new examples of the social fragmentation or discrimination which those
very interest or lobby groups purport to overcome. Indeed, far from threa-
tening the tolerance of differences or cultural plurality, the pursuit of truth
makes consensus possible, keeps public debate logical, honest and accounta-
ble, and ensures the unity which vague notions of integration simply cannot
achieve. In the light of the Church's tradition of temporal, intellectual, and
spiritual charity, I am confident that members of the Catholic community -
together with members of other Churches, ecclesial communities, and reli-
gions - will continue to pursue development goals that possess a more
humane and humanizing value both in this nation and beyond.7
Dear friends, our presence in this magnificent capital, which is often
spoken of as the heart of Europe, prompts us to ask in what that "heart"
consists. While there is no simple answer to that question, surely a clue is
found in the architectural jewels that adorn this city. The arresting beauty of
5 Cfr. Caritas in Veritate, 9. 6 Cfr. ibid., 9. 7 Cfr. ibid., 9.