Chapter XXXI.
But we merely, you say, flatter the emperor, and feign these prayers of ours to escape persecution. Thank you for your mistake, for you give us the opportunity of proving our allegations. Do you, then, who think that we care nothing for the welfare of Cæsar, look into God’s revelations, examine our sacred books, which we do not keep in hiding, and which many accidents put into the hands of those who are not of us. Learn from them that a large benevolence is enjoined upon us, even so far as to supplicate God for our enemies, and to beseech blessings on our persecutors.43 Matt. v. 44. Who, then, are greater enemies and persecutors of Christians, than the very parties with treason against whom we are charged? Nay, even in terms, and most clearly, the Scripture says, “Pray for kings, and rulers, and powers, that all may be peace with you.”44 1 Tim. ii. 2. For when there is disturbance in the empire, if the commotion is felt by its other members, surely we too, though we are not thought to be given to disorder, are to be found in some place or other which the calamity affects.
Adulati nunc sumus imperatori; et mentiti vota, quae diximus, ad evadendam scilicet vim . Plane proficit ista fallacia. Admittitis enim nos probare quodcumque defendimus. Qui ergo putaveris nihil nos de salute Caesarum curare, inspice dei voces, litteras nostras, quas neque ipsi supprimimus et plerique casus ad extraneos transferunt. Scito ex illis, praeceptum esse nobis ad redundantiam benignitatis, etiam pro inimicis Deum orare, et persecutoribus nostris bona precari. Qui magis inimici et persecutores Christianorum, quam de quorum majestate convenimur in crimen? Sed etiam nominatim atque manifeste: Orate, inquit, pro 0446Bregibus, et pro principibus, et potestatibus, ut omniatranquilla sint vobis. Cum enim concutitur imperium, concussis etiam caeteris membris ejus, utique et nos, licet extranei a turbis , in aliquo loco casus invenimur.