30. We therefore expose the blasphemous misunderstanding at which they have arrived by distortion and perversion of the meaning of Christ’s words. We account for those words by stating what manner of questions He was answering, at what times He was speaking, what partial knowledge He was deigning to impart; we make the circumstances explain the words, and do not force the former into consistency with the latter. Thus each case of variance, that for instance between The Father is greater than I22 Ib. xiv. 28., and I and the Father are One23 St. John x. 30., or between None is good save One, even God24 St. Luke xviii. 19., and He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father also25 St. John xiv. 9., or a difference so wide as that between Father, all things that are Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine26 Ib. xvii. 10., and That they may know Thee, the only true God27 Ib. 3., or between I in the Father and the Father in Me28 Ib. xiv. 11., and But of the day and hour knoweth no one, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father only29 St. Mark xiii. 32., is explained by a discrimination between gradual revelation and full expression of His nature and power. Both are utterances of the same Speaker, and an exposition of the real force of each group will shew that Christ’s true Godhead is no whit impaired because, to form the mystery of the Gospel faith, the birth and Name30 Reading nativitas et nomen. The clause above, which is bracketed in Migne, appears to be a gloss. of Christ were revealed gradually, and under conditions which He chose of occasion and time.
30. Argumentis respondetur.---Haec itaque, corrupto depravatoque sensu, impiissime ita intellecta esse monstrantes, omnes dictorum causas ex his ipsis vel interrogationum vel temporum vel dispensationum generibus attulimus, causis potius verba subdentes, non causas verbis deputantes: ut cum a se dissideat, Pater major me est (Joan. XIV, 28); et, Ego et Pater unum sumus (Joan. X, 30); neque idem sit, Nemo bonus est, nisi unus Deus (Luc. 0044B XVIII, 19); et, Qui me vidit, vidit et Patrem (Joan. XIV, 9); vel certe tanta a se diversitate contraria sint: Pater, omnia tua mea sunt, et mea tua (Joan. XVII, 10); et , Ut cognoscant te solum verum Deum (Ibidem, 3); vel illud, Ego in Patre, et Pater in me (Joan. XIV, 11); et, De die autem et hora nemo scit, neque angeli in coelis, neque Filius, nisi Pater solus (Marc. XIII, 31). Intelligantur in singulis et dispensationum praedicationes, 20 et consciae potestatis naturalis professiones: et cum idem sit dicti auctor utriusque, demonstratis tamen virtutibus generum singulorum (naturarum singularum quae sunt in Christo), non pertineat ad contumeliam verae divinitatis, quod ad sacramentum fidei evangelicae sub dispensatione et causae et temporis et nativitatis et nominis 0044C praedicatur.