LETTER I (circa 1120)To the Canons Regular of Horricourt[1]
LETTER II (A.D. 1126)To the Monk Adam[1]
LETTER III (A.D. 1131)To Bruno,[1] Archbishop Elect of Cologne
LETTER IVTo the Prior and Monks of the Grand Chartreuse
LETTER V (circa A.D. 1127)To Peter, Cardinal Deacon
LETTER VI (circa A. D. 1127)To the Same
LETTER VII (towards the end of A.D. 1127)To Matthew, the Legate
LETTER VIII (circa A.D. 1130)To Gilbert, Bishop of London, Universal Doctor
LETTER IX (circa A.D. 1135)To Ardutio (or Ardutius, Bishop Elect of Geneva
LETTER X (in the Same Year)The Same, When Bishop
LETTER XI (circa A.D. 1120)The Abbot of Saint Nicasius at Rheims
LETTER XII (A.D. 1127)To Louis, King of France[1]
LETTER XIII (A.D. 1127)To the Same Pope, in the Name of Geoffrey,Bishop of Chartres.
LETTER XIV (circa A.D. 1129)To Alexander,[1] Bishop of Lincoln
LETTER XV (circa A.D. 1129)To Alvisus, Abbot of Anchin
LETTER XVI To Rainald, Abbot of Foigny
LETTER XIX (A.D. 1127)To Suger, Abbot of S. Denis
LETTER XX (circa A.D. 1130)To Guy, Abbot of Molêsmes
LETTER XXI (circa A.D. 1128)To the Abbot of S. John at Chartres
LETTER XXII (circa A.D. 1129)To Simon, Abbot of S. Nicholas
Letter XXIII (circa A.D. 1130)To the Same
LETTER XXIV (circa A.D. 1126)To Oger, Regular Canon [1]
LETTER XXV. (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same
LETTER XXVI. (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same
LETTER XXVII (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same
LETTER XXVIII (circa A.D. 1130)To the Abbots Assembled at Soissons [1]
LETTER XXIX (A.D. 1132)To Henry, King of England
LETTER XXX (circa A.D. 1132)To Henry, [1] Bishop of Winchester
LETTER XXXII (A.D. 1132)To Thurstan, Archbishop of York
LETTER XXXIV (circa A.D. 1130)Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, to the Abbot Bernard. [1]
LETTER XXXV (circa A.D. 1130)Reply of the Abbot Bernard to Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours.
LETTER XXXVII (circa A.D. 1131)To Magister Geoffrey, of Loretto. [1]
LETTER XXXVIII (circa A.D. 1135)To His Monks of Clairvaux.
LETTER XXXIX (A.D. 1137)To the Same.
LETTER XLTo Thomas, Prior of Beverley
LETTER XLITo Thomas of St. Omer, After He Had Broken His Promise of Adopting a Change of Life.
LETTER XLIITo the Illustrious Youth, Geoffrey de Perrone, and His Comrades.
LETTER XLIIIA Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey.
LETTER XLIVConcerning the Maccabees But to Whom Written is Unknown. [1]
LETTER XLV (circa A.D. 1120)To a Youth Named Fulk, Who Afterwards Was Archdeacon of Langres
LETTER XLVI (circa A.D. 1125)To Guigues, the Prior, And to the Other Monks of the Grand Chartreuse
LETTER XLVIITo the Brother of William, a Monk of Clairvaux. [1]
LETTER XLVIIITo Magister [1] Walter de Chaumont.
LETTER XLIXTo Romanus, Sub-Deacon of the Roman Curia.
LETTER LIITo Another Holy Virgin.
LETTER LIIITo Another Holy Virgin of the Convent of S. Mary of Troyes [1]
LETTER LIVTo Ermengarde, Formerly Countess of Brittany [1]
LETTER LVITo Beatrice, a Noble and Religious Lady
LETTER LVIITo the Duke and Duchess of Lorraine [1]
LETTER LVIIITo the Duchess of Lorraine
LETTER LIXTo the Duchess of Burgundy [1]
LETTER LX (A.D. 1140)To the Same, Against Certain Heads of Abaelard’s Heresies.
LETTER LXI (A.D. 1138)To Louis the Younger, King of the French.
LETTER LXII (A.D. 1139)To Pope Innocent.
LETTER LXIII (A.D. 1139)To the Same, in the Name of Godfrey, Bishop of Langres.
LETTER LXIV (A.D. 1139)To the Above-Named Falco.
LETTER XLV (circa A.D. 1140)To the Canons of Lyons, on the Conception of S. Mary.
The reputation of Bernard for sanctity induces Hildebert to write to him and ask for his friendship.
1. Few, I believe, are ignorant that balsam is known by its scent, and the tree by its fruit. So, dearly beloved brother, there has reached even to me the report of you—how you are steadfast in holiness, and sound in doctrine. For though I am 132far separated from you by distance of place, yet the report has come even to me. What pleasant nights you spend with your Rachel; how abundant an offspring is born to you of Leah; how you show yourself wholly a follower of virtue, and an enemy of the flesh. Whoever speaks to me of you has this one tale to tell. Such is the perfume of your name, like that of balm, poured out; such are already the rewards of your merit. These are the ears that you are gathering from your field before the last great harvest. For in this life some reward of virtue is to be found in the notable and undying tribute paid to it. This it wins unaided, and keeps unaided. Its renown is not diminished by envy, nor increased by the favour of men. As the esteem of good men cannot be taken away by false accusations, so it cannot be won by the attentions of flattery. It rests with the individual himself either to advance that esteem by fruitfulness in virtue, or to detract from it by deficiency. The whole Church, I am quite sure, hopes that your renown will be for ever sustained, since it is believed to be founded upon a strong rock.
2. As for me, having heard this report of you everywhere, with desire I have desired to be received into the inmost shrine of your friendship, and to be 133held in remembrance in your prayers when stealing yourself from converse with mortals you speak on behalf of mortals to the King of Angels. Now, this my desire was much increased by Gébuin, Archdeacon of Troyes, a man eminent as well for his piety as for his learning. I should have thought it my duty to commend him to you, if I were not sure that those whom you deem worthy of your favour need no further commendation. I wish, however, that you should know that it was through his information I learnt that you are in the Church, one who art fit to be a teacher of virtue, both by precept and example. But not to burden you with too long a letter, I bring my writing to an end, though end the above petition I will not until I have the happiness to obtain what I have asked. I beg you to tell me by a letter in reply how you are disposed with regard to it.