33. Whereas, then, all Christians have to guard humility, forasmuch as it is from Christ that they are called Christians, Whose Gospel no one considers with care, but that he discovers Him to be a Teacher of humility; specially is it becoming that they be followers and keepers of this virtue, who excel the rest of men in any great good, in order that they may have a great care of that, which I set down in the beginning, “By how much thou art great, by so much humble thyself in all things, and thou shall find grace before God.”92 Ecclus. iii. 18 Wherefore, because perpetual Continence and specially virginity, is a great good in the Saints of God, they must with all watchfulness beware, that it be not corrupted with pride.
33. Humilitas Christianis, sed maxime virginibus custodienda. Cum ergo Christianis omnibus custodienda sit humilitas, quandoquidem a Christo Christiani appellantur, cujus Evangelium nemo diligenter intuetur, qui non eum doctorem humilitatis 0415 inveniat; tum maxime virtutis hujus sectatores et conservatores eos esse convenit, qui magno aliquo bono caeteris eminent, ut magnopere curent illud quod primitus posui: Quanto magnus es, tanto humilia te in omnibus, et coram Deo invenies gratiam (Eccli. III, 20). Proinde quia perpetua continentia, maximeque virginitas, magnum bonum est in sanctis Dei, vigilantissime cavendum est ne superbia corrumpatur.