32. But in the first place we must remember that the bishops did not assemble at Antioch to oppose the heresy which has dared to declare that the substance of the Son is unlike that of the Father, but to oppose that which, in spite of the Council of Nicæa, presumed to attribute the three names to the Father. Of this we will treat in its proper place. I recollect that at the beginning of my argument I besought the patience and forbearance of my readers and hearers until the completion of my letter, lest any one should rashly rise to judge me before he was acquainted with the entire argument. I ask it again. This assembly of the saints wished to strike a blow at that impiety which by a mere counting of names evades the truth as to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost; which represents that there is no personal cause for each name, and by a false use of these names makes the triple nomenclature imply only one Person, so that the Father alone could be also called both Holy Ghost and Son. Consequently they declared there were three substances, meaning three subsistent Persons, and not thereby introducing any dissimilarity of essence to separate the substance of Father and Son. For the words to teach us that they are three in substance, but in agreement one, are free from objection, because as the Spirit is also named, and He is the Paraclete, it is more fitting that a unity of agreement should be asserted than a unity of essence based on likeness of substance.
32. Excusatur ex scopo concilii. Haeresis nova post Nicaenam synodum. Trinitatis substantiae tres qui apud 0504BOrientales recte dicantur.---Et primum sciendum est, non adversum haeresim, quae dissimilis substantiae Patrem et Filium ausa est praedicare, in Antiochia fuisse conventum; sed adversus eam, quae post sanctam synodum Nicaenam in id proruperat, ut tria nomina Patri vellet adscribere, de qua suo loco tractabimus. Memini enim me in exordio sermonis patientiam et aequanimitatem legentium atque audientium usque ad absolutionem omnium dictorum meorum poposcisse; ne temerarius quisquam in me judex ante cognitionem perfecti sermonis exsisteret. Volens igitur congregata sanctorum synodus impietatem eam perimere, quae veritatem Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti nominum numero eluderet: ut non 0504C subsistente causa uniuscujusque nominis, triplex nuncupatio obtineret sub falsitate nominum unionem, et Pater solus atque unus idem atque ipse haberet et Spiritus sancti nomen et Filii: idcirco tres substantias esse dixerunt, subsistentium personas per substantias edocentes, non substantiam Patris 0505A et Filii diversitate dissimilis essentiae separantes. Quod autem dictum est: Ut sint quidem per substantiam tria, per consonantiam vero unum, non habet calumniam: quia connominato Spiritu, id est paracleto, consonantiae potius, quam essentiae 481 per similitudinem substantiae praedicari convenit unitatem.