Anno mdcccxl missionariam eam in Foederatas Civitates Americae Septen-
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale6
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 37
Occasione XV Diei Internationalis Infirmis dicati.*
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On 11 February 2007, when the Church keeps the liturgical memorial of
Our Lady of Lourdes, the Fifteenth World Day of the Sick will be celebrated
in Seoul, Korea. A number of meetings, conferences, pastoral gatherings and
liturgical celebrations will take place with representatives of the Church in
Korea, health care personnel, the sick and their families. Once again the
Church turns her eyes to those who suffer and calls attention to the incurably
ill, many of whom are dying from terminal diseases. They are found on every
continent, particularly in places where poverty and hardship cause immense
misery and grief. Conscious of these sufferings, I will be spiritually present at
the World Day of the Sick, united with those meeting to discuss the plight of
the incurably ill in our world and encouraging the efforts of Christian com-
munities in their witness to the Lord's tenderness and mercy.
Sickness inevitably brings with it a moment of crisis and sober confrontation
with one's own personal situation. Advances in the health sciences often provide
the means necessary to meet this challenge, at least with regard to its physical
aspects. Human life, however, has intrinsic limitations, and sooner or later it
ends in death. This is an experience to which each human being is called, and one
for which he or she must be prepared. Despite the advances of science, a cure
cannot be found for every illness, and thus, in hospitals, hospices and homes
throughout the world we encounter the sufferings of our many brothers and
sisters who are incurably and often terminally ill. In addition, many millions of
people in our world still experience insanitary living conditions and lack access
to much-needed medical resources, often of the most basic kind, with the result
that the number of human beings considered « incurable » is greatly increased.
The Church wishes to support the incurably and terminally ill by calling for
just social policies which can help to eliminate the causes of many diseases and
by urging improved care for the dying and those for whom no medical remedy is
available. There is a need to promote policies which create conditions where
human beings can bear even incurable illnesses and death in a dignified manner.
* Die 8 Decembris 2006.