33. Further the whole of the above statement has drawn no distinction whatever between the essence and nature of the Father and the Son. For when it is said, God of God, whole God of whole God, there is no room for doubting that whole God is born of whole God. For the nature of God who is of God admits of no difference, and as whole God of whole God He is in all in which the Father is. One of One excludes the passions of a human birth and conception, so that since He is One of One, He comes from no other source, nor is different nor alien, for He is One of One, perfect God of perfect God. Except in having a cause of its origin His birth does not differ from the birthless nature since the perfection of both Persons is the same. King of King. A power that is expressed by one and the same title allows no dissimilarity of power. Lord of Lord. In ‘Lord’ also the lordship is equal: there can be no difference where domination is confessed of both without diversity. But plainest of all is the statement appended after several others, unable to change or alter, the unvarying image of the Godhead and essence and might and glory. For as God of God, whole God of whole God, One of One, perfect God of perfect God, King of King and Lord of Lord, since in all that glory and nature of Godhead in which the Father ever abides, the Son born of Him also subsists; He derives this also from the Father’s substance that He is unable to change. For in His birth that nature from which He is born is not changed; but the Son has maintained a changeless essence since His origin is in a changeless nature. For though He is an image, yet the image cannot alter, since in Him was born the image of the Father’s essence, and there could not be in Him a change of nature caused by any unlikeness to the Father’s essence from which He was begotten. Now when we are taught that He was brought into being as the first of all creation, and He is Himself said to have always been in the beginning with God as God the Word, the fact that He was brought into being shews that He was born, and the fact that He always was, shews that He is not separated from the Father by time. Therefore this Council by dividing the three substances, which it did to exclude a monad God with a threefold title, did not introduce any separation of substance between the Father and the Son. The whole exposition of faith makes no distinction between Father and Son, the Unborn and the Only-begotten, in time, or name, or essence, or dignity, or domination. But our common conscience demands that we should gain a knowledge of the other creeds of the same Eastern bishops, composed at different times and places, that by the study of many confessions we may understand the sincerity of their faith.
The Creed according to the Council of the East.
33. Hac formula eamdem Patris ac Filii essentiam praedicari. Nativitatis et innascibilitatis discrimen. Filius immutabilis.---Caeterum omnis superior sermo in nullo Patrem et Filium essentiae ac naturae diversitate discrevit. Ubi enim dicitur, Deum de Deo, totum ex toto; non ambigitur totum Deum ex toto Deo natum. Nam et Dei de Deo natura non differt: et totus ex toto in iis est ipse, quibus Pater est. 0505BUnus ex uno passiones humani partus et conceptionis excludit: ut dum unus ex uno est, non aliunde, nec diversus, aut alius sit, qui est unus ex uno, perfectus a perfecto. Non differt praeter originis causam ab innascibilitate nativitas; cum perfectio utriusque non differat. Rex de Rege. Non admittit uno atque eodem nomine potestas connuncupata dissimilitudinem potestatis. Dominum de Domino. Dominatus quoque aequatur in Domino: nec recipit differentiam confessa in utroque sine diversitate dominatio. Illud vero, quod post multa alia subjectum est, inconvertibilem et immutabilem, divinitatis et essentiae et virtutis et gloriae incommutabilem imaginem, absolutum est. Nam ex Deo Deus, ex toto totus, ex uno unus, et ex perfecto perfectus, et ex rege rex, 0505C et ex Domino Dominus, cum in ea omni divinitatis gloria atque natura, in qua Pater permanet, natus quoque subsistat et Filius; etiam hoc ex paterna 0506A substantia habet, ne demutabilis fiat. Non enim in eo nascente, ea, de qua natus est, demutata natura est: sed indemutabilem essentiam natus obtinuit ex indemutabilis auctoritate naturae. Nam quamvis imago est, tamen incommutabilis est imago (non commutata in eo scilicet per dissimilitudinem paternae essentiae, ex qua est genitus, natura), quia in eo imago paternae essentiae nasceretur. Jam vero cum primus editus esse totius creaturae docetur, et ipse ille semper fuisse in principio apud Deum Verbum Deus dicitur; dum primus editur, natus fuisse ostenditur; dum semper fuit, nec tempore separatur a 482 Patre. Non ergo videri potest divisio substantiarum (supple, ab hac synodo) (quae nihil aliud studuit, quam ut per trium substantiarum 0506B nomen, triplicis vocabuli excluderet unionem) ad separationem diversae in Filio et in Patre substantiae introducta: cum totius fidei expositio Patrem et Filium, innascibilem et unigenitum, nec tempore, nec nomine, nec essentia, nec dignitate, nec dominatione discernat. Dignum autem est conscientia communi etiam caeteras eorumdem episcoporum Orientalium diversis et locis et temporibus conscriptas fides noscere, ut per plures confessiones sinceritas conscientiae possit intelligi.
Sancta synodus in Sardica congregata ex diversis provinciis Orientalium partium, Thebaida, Aegypto, 0506C Palaestina, Arabia, Phoenice, Syria Coele, Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Ponto, Paphlagonia, Galatia, Bithynia, Hellesponto, Asia, 0507A Phrygiis duabus, Pisidia, Cycladum insularum, Pamphylia, Caria, Lydia, Europa, Thracia, Emimonto, Mysia, Pannoniis duabus, hanc exposuimus fidem.