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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
at every level of national life.
Your readiness to do so is already implied in the unprecedented invitation
extended to me today. And it finds expression in the fields of concern in
which your Government has been engaged with the Holy See. In the area
of peace, there have been exchanges regarding the elaboration of an interna-
tional arms trade treaty; regarding human rights, the Holy See and the
United Kingdom have welcomed the spread of democracy, especially in the
last sixty-five years; in the field of development, there has been collaboration
on debt relief, fair trade and financing for development, particularly through
the International Finance Facility, the International Immunization Bond,
and the Advanced Market Commitment. The Holy See also looks forward to
exploring with the United Kingdom new ways to promote environmental
responsibility, to the benefit of all.
I also note that the present Government has committed the United King-
dom to devoting 0.7% of national income to development aid by 2013. In
recent years it has been encouraging to witness the positive signs of a world-
wide growth in solidarity towards the poor. But to turn this solidarity into
effective action calls for fresh thinking that will improve life conditions in
many important areas, such as food production, clean water, job creation,
education, support to families, especially migrants, and basic healthcare.
Where human lives are concerned, time is always short: yet the world has
witnessed the vast resources that governments can draw upon to rescue
financial institutions deemed "too big to fail". Surely the integral human
development of the world's peoples is no less important: here is an enterprise,
worthy of the world's attention, that is truly "too big to fail".
This overview of recent cooperation between the United Kingdom and
the Holy See illustrates well how much progress has been made, in the years
that have passed since the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, in
promoting throughout the world the many core values that we share. I hope
and pray that this relationship will continue to bear fruit, and that it will be
mirrored in a growing acceptance of the need for dialogue and respect at
every level of society between the world of reason and the world of faith. I
am convinced that, within this country too, there are many areas in which
the Church and the public authorities can work together for the good of
citizens, in harmony with this Parliament's historic practice of invoking
the Spirit's guidance upon those who seek to improve the conditions of all
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale638