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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 639
mankind. For such cooperation to be possible, religious bodies - including
institutions linked to the Catholic Church - need to be free to act in accor-
dance with their own principles and specific convictions based upon the faith
and the official teaching of the Church. In this way, such basic rights as
religious freedom, freedom of conscience and freedom of association are guar-
anteed. The angels looking down on us from the magnificent ceiling of this
ancient Hall remind us of the long tradition from which British Parliamen-
tary democracy has evolved. They remind us that God is constantly watching
over us to guide and protect us. And they summon us to acknowledge the
vital contribution that religious belief has made and can continue to make to
the life of the nation.
Mr Speaker, I thank you once again for this opportunity briefly to address
this distinguished audience. Let me assure you and the Lord Speaker of my
continued good wishes and prayers for you and for the fruitful work of both
Houses of this ancient Parliament. Thank you and God bless you all!
Iter Apostolicum Summi Pontificis in Regnum Unitum: Londinii, in Vesperarum
celebratione apud Abbatiam Vestmonasteriensem.*
Dear friends in Christ,
I thank the Lord for this opportunity to join you, the representatives of
the Christian confessions present in Great Britain, in this magnificent Abbey
Church dedicated to Saint Peter, whose architecture and history speak so
eloquently of our common heritage of faith. Here we cannot help but be
reminded of how greatly the Christian faith shaped the unity and culture
of Europe and the heart and spirit of the English people. Here too, we are
forcibly reminded that what we share, in Christ, is greater than what
continues to divide us.
I am grateful to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury for his kind
greeting, and to the Dean and Chapter of this venerable Abbey for their
cordial welcome. I thank the Lord for allowing me, as the Successor of Saint
Peter in the See of Rome, to make this pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint
* Die 17 Septembris 2010.