Chapter XXXVIII.—Diversity in the Opinions of Secundus, as Compared with the General Doctrine of Valentinus.
Secundus is a trifle more human, as he is briefer: he divides the Ogdoad into a pair of Tetrads, a right hand one and a left hand one, one light and the other darkness. Only he is unwilling to derive the power which apostatized and fell away321 Achamoth. from any one of the Æons, but from the fruits which issued from their substance.
Humanior jam Secundus, ut brevior, Ogdoadem in duas Tetradas dividens, in dextram et sinistram, in lumen et tenebras; tantum quod desultricem et defectricem illam virtutem non vult ab aliquo deducere 0592B triginta Aeonum, sed a fructibus de substantia eorum venientibus .