37. We worship one who was born a man. What then? do you worship no one who was born a man? Do you not worship one and another, aye, deities innumerable? Nay, have you not taken from the number of mortals all those whom you now have in your temples; and have you not set them in heaven, and among the constellations? For if, perchance, it has escaped you that they once partook of human destiny, and of the state common to all men, search the most ancient literature, and range through the writings of those who, living nearest to the days of antiquity, set forth all things with undisguised truth and without flattery: you will learn in detail from what fathers, from what mothers they were each sprung, in what district they were born, of what tribe; what they made, what they did, what they endured, how they employed themselves, what fortunes they experienced of an adverse or of a favourable kind in discharging their functions. But if, while you know that they were born in the womb, and that they lived on the produce of the earth, you nevertheless upbraid us with the worship of one born like ourselves, you act with great injustice, in regarding that as worthy of condemnation in us which you yourselves habitually do; or what you allow to be lawful for you, you are unwilling to be in like manner lawful for others.
XXXVII. Natum hominem colimus. Quid enim, vos hominem nullum colitis natum? Non unum, et alium? non innumeros alios? quinimo non omnes, quos jam templis habetis vestris, mortalium sustulistis ex numero, et coelo sideribusque donastis? Si enim forte vos fugit, sortis eos humanae, et conditionis fuisse communis: replicate antiquissimas litteras, et eorum scripta percurrite, qui vetustati vicini, sine ullis assentationibus cuncta veritate in 0763B liquida prodiderunt. Jam profecto discetis, quibus singuli patribus, quibus matribus fuerint procreati, qua in nati regione, qua gente, quae fecerint, egerint, pertulerint, actitarint , quas in rebus obeundis adversorum senserint, secundantiumque fortunas. Sin autem scientes uteris esse gestatos, et frugibus eos victitasse terrenis, nihilominus tamen nati nobis hominis objectatis cultum: res agitis satis injustas, ut id in nobis constituatis esse damnabile, quod et ipsi vos factitatis: aut, quae vobis licere permittitis, 0764A consimiliter aliis licitum esse nolitis.