Prefatory Remarks, by Valesius,
Chapter IX.— Constantine enacts a Law in favor of Celibates and of the Clergy .
Chapter X.— Concerning the Great Confessors who survived .
Chapter XI.— Account of St. Spyridon: His Modesty and Steadfastness .
Chapter XII.— On the Organization of the Monks: its Origin and Founders .
Chapter XIII.— About Antony the Great and St. Paul the Simple .
Chapter XIV.— Account of St. Ammon and Eutychius of Olympus .
Chapter XVII.— Of the Council convened at Nicæa on Account of Arius .
Chapter XIX.— When the Council was assembled, the Emperor delivered a Public Address.
Chapter IV.— What Constantine the Great effected about the Oak in Mamre he also built a Temple .
Chapter VII.— How the Iberians received the Faith of Christ .
Chapter VIII.— How the Armenians and Persians embraced Christianity .
Chapter X.— Christians slain by Sapor in Persia .
Chapter XI.— Pusices, Superintendent of the Artisans of Sapor .
Chapter XII.— Tarbula, the Sister of Symeon, and her Martyrdom .
Chapter XIII.— Martyrdom of St. Acepsimas and of his Companions .
Chapter XV.— Constantine writes to Sapor to stay the Persecution of the Christians .
Chapter XX.— Concerning Maximus, who succeeded Macarius in the See of Jerusalem .
Chapter XXII.— The Vain Machinations of the Arians and Melitians against St. Athanasius .
Chapter XXIII.— Calumny respecting St. Athanasius and the Hand of Arsenius .
Chapter XXV.— Council of Tyre Illegal Deposition of St. Athanasius .
Chapter XXX.— Account given by the Great Athanasius of the Death of Arius .
Chapter XXXIII.— Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra his Heresy and Deposition .
Chapter III.— Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, and Macedonius, the Pneumatomachian .
Chapter IV.— A Sedition was excited on the Ordination of Paul .
Chapter XV.— Didymus the Blind, and Aëtius the Heretic .
Chapter XVI.— Concerning St. Ephraim .
Chapter XXI.— Letter of Constantius to the Egyptians in behalf of Athanasius. Synod of Jerusalem .
Chapter XXII.— Epistle written by the Synod of Jerusalem in Favor of Athanasius .
Chapter III.— Martyrdom of the Holy Notaries .
Chapter IX.— Council of Milan. Flight of Athanasius .
Chapter XIV.— Letter of the Emperor Constantius against Eudoxius and his Partisans .
Chapter XVII.— Proceedings of the Council of Ariminum .
Chapter XVIII.— Letter from the Council at Ariminum to the Emperor Constantius .
Chapter XXII.— Council of Seleucia .
Chapter II.— The Life, Education, and Training of Julian, and his Accession to the Empire .
Chapter IX.— Martyrdom of the Saints Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno in the City of Gaza .
Chapter XIV.— The Partisans of Macedonius disputed with the Arians concerning Acacius .
Chapter III.— The Reign of Jovian he introduced Many Laws which he carried out in his Government .
Chapter VIII.— Election of Nectarius to the See of Constantinople his Birthplace and Education .
Chapter IX.— Decrees of the Second General Council. Maximus, the Cynical Philosopher .
Chapter XXI.— Discovery of the Honored Head of the Forerunner of our Lord, and the Events about it .
Chapter XXIV.— Victory of Theodosius the Emperor over Eugenius .
Chapter XXVI.— St. Donatus, Bishop of Eurœa, and Theotimus, High-Priest of Scythia .
Chapter XXVII.— St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus, and a Particular Account of his Acts .
Chapter IV.— Enterprise of Gaïnas, the Gothic Barbarian. Evils which he perpetrated .
Chapter II.— Discovery of the Relics of Forty Holy Martyrs .
Chapter III.— The Virtues of Pulcheria Her Sisters .
Chapter IV.— Truce with Persia. Honorius and Stilicho. Transactions in Rome and Dalmatia .
Chapter VI.— Alaric the Goth. He assaulted Rome, and straitened it by War .
Chapter X.— A Roman Lady who manifested a Deed of Modesty .
Chapter XVII.— Discovery of the Relics of Zechariah the Prophet, and of Stephen the Proto-Martyr .
Chapter XV.— Didymus the Blind, and Aëtius the Heretic .
Ruf. H. E. ii. 7; i. 30, 31; Soc. iv. 25; iii. 10; ii. 35; Hieron. de vir. illust.
c. cix.
an ecclesiastical writer and president of the school of sacred learning in Alexandria, flourished about the same period. He
was acquainted with every branch of science, and was conversant with poetry and rhetoric, with astronomy and geometry, with
arithmetic, and with the various theories of philosophy. He had acquired all this knowledge by the efforts of his own mind,
aided by the sense of hearing, for he became blind during his first attempt at learning the rudiments. When he had advanced
to youth, he manifested an ardent desire to acquire speech and training, and for this purpose he frequented the teachers of
these branches, but learned by hearing only, where he made such rapid progress that he speedily comprehended the difficult
theorems in mathematics. It is said that he learned the letters of the alphabet by means of tablets in which they were engraved,
and which he felt with his fingers; and that he made himself acquainted with syllables and words by the force of attention
and memory, and by listening attentively to the sounds. His was a very extraordinary case, and many persons resorted to Alexandria
for the express purpose of hearing, or, at least, of seeing him. His firmness in defending the doctrines of the Nicæan council
was extremely displeasing to the Arians. He easily carried conviction to the minds of his audience by persuasion rather than
by power of reasoning, and he constituted each one a judge of the ambiguous points. He was much sought after by the members
of the Catholic Church, and was praised by the orders of monks in Egypt, and by Antony the Great.
It is related that when Antony left the desert and repaired to Alexandria to give his testimony in favor of the doctrines
of Athanasius, he said to Didymus, “It is not a severe thing, nor does it deserve to be grieved over, O Didymus, that you
are deprived of the organs of sight which are possessed by rats, mice, and the lowest animals; but it is a great blessing
to possess eyes like angels, whereby you can contemplate keenly the Divine Being, and see accurately the true knowledge.”
In Italy and its territories, Eusebius and Hilary, whom I have already mentioned, were conspicuous for strength in the use
of their native tongue, whose treatises
He alludes to the treatises of Hilary against the Arians and Auxentius, and against
concerning the faith and against the heterodox, they say, were approvingly circulated. Lucifer, as the story goes, was the
founder of a heresy which bears his name,
That, namely, of the Luciferians. Cf. Soc. iii. 9.
and flourished at this period. Aëtius
Cf. Soc. ii. 35; Philost. iii. 15–20; supplementa from Phot. cod. 40; fragmenta
from Suidas, s.v.
was likewise held in high estimation among the heterodox; he was a dialectician, apt in syllogism and proficient in disputation,
and a diligent student of such forms, but without art. He reasoned so boldly concerning the nature of God, that many persons
gave him the name of “Atheist.” It is said that he was originally a physician of Antioch in Syria, and that, as he frequently
attended meetings of the churches, and thought over the Sacred Scriptures, he became acquainted with Gallus, who was then
Cæsar, and who honored religion much and cherished its professors. It seems likely that, as Aëtius obtained the esteem of
Cæsar by means of these disputations, he devoted himself the more assiduously to these pursuits, in order to progress in the
favor of the emperor. It is said that he was versed in the philosophy of Aristotle, and frequented the schools in which it
was taught at Alexandria.
Besides the individuals above specified, there were many others in the churches who were capable of instructing the people and of reasoning concerning the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures. It would be too great a task to attempt to name them all. Let it not be accounted strange, if I have bestowed commendations upon the leaders or enthusiasts of the above-mentioned heresies. I admire their eloquence, and their impressiveness in discourse. I leave their doctrines to be judged by those whose right it is. For I have not been set forth to record such matters, nor is it befitting in history; I have only to give an account of events as they happened, not supplementing my own additions. Of those who at that time became most distinguished in education and discourse and who used the Roman and Greek languages, I have enumerated in the above narrative as many as I have received an account of.