ODE 1.

 ODE 2.

 ODE 3.

 ODE 4.

 ODE 5.

 ODE 6.

 ODE 7.

 ODE 8.

 ODE 9.

 ODE 10.

 ODE 11.

 ODE 12.

 ODE 13.

 ODE 14.

 ODE 15.

 ODE 16.

 ODE 17.

 ODE 18.

 ODE 19.

 ODE 20.

 ODE 21.

 ODE 22.

 ODE 23.

 ODE 24.

 ODE 25.

 ODE 26.

 ODE 27.

 ODE 28.

 ODE 29.

 ODE 30.

 ODE 31.

 ODE 32.

 ODE 33.

 ODE 34.

 ODE 35.

 ODE 36.

 ODE 37.

 ODE 38.

 ODE 39.

 ODE 40.

 ODE 41.

 ODE 42.

ODE 39.

One of the few allusions to events in the Gospels--that of our Lord walking on the Sea of Galilee .

1 Great rivers are the power of the Lord:
2 And they carry headlong those who despise Him: and entangle their paths:
3 And they sweep away their fords, and catch their bodies and destroy their lives.
4 For they are more swift than lightning and more rapid, and those who cross them in faith are not moved;
5 And those who walk on them without blemish shall not be afraid.
6 For the sign in them is the Lord; and the sign is the way of those who cross in the name of the Lord;
7 Put on, therefore, the name of the Most High, and know Him, and you shall cross without danger, for the rivers will be subject to you.
8 The Lord has bridged them by His word; and He walked and crossed them on foot:
9 And His footsteps stand firm on the water, and are not injured; they are as firm as a tree that is truly set up.
10 And the waves were lifted up on this side and on that, but the footsteps of our Lord Messiah stand firm and are not obliterated and are not defaced.
11 And a way has been appointed for those who cross after Him and for those who adhere to the course of faith in Him and worship His name. Hallelujah.